Mystic MTB - Bright

Funny that, haven't been able to shake them off the teat yet :rolleyes:
ADFA's always looking for new recruits ;)

Also keen to see the Adaptive MTB trails, they always seem to carry speed pretty well

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Interesting article about bike parks. Might help with the conversation here.
That's a really good article.

Cost of maintenance does seem to get overlooked by some councils when building trail networks. They should be seen as no different to any other asset and be on their asset register, with annual maintenance factored in and seen as no different to the local football ground, swimming pool, playground etc.
It came to light the other day the George Town council have tried to off load the maintenance to the Launceston MTB club. The club has enough on its plate just looking after the trails around Launceston itself let alone the George Town and Tipp trails. Not sure what they tried this, maybe they haven't put enough thought into the maintenance costs, or it could just be some pressure from councillors that the trails shouldn't be a burden on the ratepayer.
There is some community pressure for a direct "return on investment" which can be hard to quantify when it comes from a trickledown effect of increasing the local economy, and boosting businesses, as you can't nail down what income comes from MTB tourism and what just comes from regular streams.
I see that public trail networks have two benefits,
1: They are a public recreational asset for the community to use, and are similar to any things like council parks, playgrounds, sporting fields and stadiums and swimming pools. None of these make any money or are expected to make money.
2: They are a tourist attraction. If you have enough trail, and they are of a high standard, people will travel to use them and spend money in that community while they are there. This is something that most other public assets above don't do. No one is going to travel interstate specifically to visit the local swimming pool.
When it comes to privately run trail networks, you expect another level again, because it's the sole reason for being and if people don't come you don't have a business.