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Cannon Fodder


Im Cornfish (a.k.a Tom) im 16 i live in gisborne, victoria and im mad keen:D about mountainbikes i ride Dh/fr and xc. I currently ride a 2008 Norco Shore 3 and a Giant Talon. im always up for a ride !!!


I'm Lc from NSW (aka BTA). I started riding overseas a few years ago. Like riding mountain trails and a bit of street occasionally but especially mountain trails.

Great to find a complete MTB forum.



Likes Bikes

Hey guys, old/new guy on the block thought I would say Hi. I ride DH/FR and don't mind the odd Dj sesh. Always riding bunyaville with my best mate dru. Keen to meet new people, ride new trails and build more runs.



Hi All,
Looking at the other posts, I feel old, 37yr old Melbournian.

Only been back into bikes a few years, now have too many.
Guess the main ones are the Specialized roubaix Roadie and a cheapy Giant Boulder currently undergoing a dose of "upgraditus", with new bars, SLX RD, Deore 9spd shifters, currently on the prowl for a set of Hydros to replace the Shimano cable brakes. (I'm over capitalising the bike, but I really like it)

Living 10 mins from Lysterfield means I try to get out there as often as possible, in between work, wife, kids and new baby.

Been reading the forum for a while, just thought I'd step out of lurk mode :D

rgds Eddie
Howdy.. my name's Tom, i'm 28 & from SA. Interested in fast & technical XC.. ride mainly at eagle park and fox creek with various other adventures thrown in, like flinders (awesome) and other local stuff.

Currently building up a dually to upgrade from my hardtail, eventually plan to take some trips interstate and to new zealand with some mates to ride some mountains with chair lifts, a luxury we do not have down here :)

Catcha round
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Likes Bikes
Hey, my names lachie and im 14. I ride a 2008 norco havoc (which I'm about to upgrade). I'm into dirt jumping and street. I'm always up for sessions at wherever in outer eastern subs of Melbourne


Likes Dirt
I'm Jarrod. 24 y.o.

I live inner west of Melbourne, ride XC whenever I can. Usually head out to Lysterfield, You Yangs or Yarra Bend whenever time permits. Just thought I would sign up to meet other like minded people and to as much information as possible as I think I'm going enter my first enduro events this year!

Riding a 07 Avanti Aggressor at the moment.

Handlebars Help

Cannon Fodder

Hey all,
I'm 16 and live in eastern Melbourne, i ride xc, and trails, looking for new places to ride :).
I ride on a Haro Escape Sport 2009


hey guys
my name's andrew
i live in the sydney area and i ride dh, bmx and occasionally dirt jumps
when it comes to riding its all good :)


Cannon Fodder
I'm the online identity "Stormrider". I used to love doing 4X and rode an STP everywhere (pre p's).
I recently started riding again, but now as a form of transport to Uni, (I'm doing a summer unit atm).
It's as fast as driving and kept me fit. Well today I lost my trusty old STP (so so so many KM travelled on her) to someone with a battery powered angle grinder.
I walked out the library to find an empty bike stand where I expected to see old faithful locked. I now have to find something new (well second hand) and this is where I turned.

I now have 4 more posts to spam into your community before I can apply to see what's on offer in the trade section.

I am rather pissed about losing my 14th birthday pressie though.
I live in Perth
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Likes Dirt
hi guys i'm birdman. i ride down hill, 4x and some light freeride and dirt jump
Hey birdman,

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Joined years ago but have only just recently found the time to start posting. Trying to raise 4 kids, work long hours and do post grad uni so I will probably only be on occasionally. Ride to keep fit and now because I want to able to ride with my kids as they get older. In general I have found the riders (including the ones I ride with regularly) to be committed, motivated, educated and supportive. Sundays at Scone always produce sweat and laughs. I'll keep riding and occasionally commenting.


Likes Bikes
Good evening all

My names Nat, started out racing BMX and riding freestyle about 11 yrs ago (eep, where has the time gone????) and just started riding free again to get some fitness back and buy myself a hard tail and give this mountain bike caper a go

No rules, no boundaries. Your say.

G'day. I am responsible for the development and marketing of cycling (in all its forms) in North East Victoria. We obviously have some great trails already but we want more. We have the ear of local governments, Parks Vic, DSE and Ski Resorts. There are no rules, no boundaries. Tell us what you want so we can get this in front of the decision makers. We want to know what sort of trails, what kind of services etc.. If you know the region tell us where would be a great spot for trails. We are serious about this so have your say.