It's my day offWho's Mr Highbrow forum content now?
It's my day offWho's Mr Highbrow forum content now?
The 'years of discomfort' would have had me there long ago. The tingling may be a trapped nerve... It's great getting old.
It must always be remembered that (at the moment) that @Tubbsy is an..Who's Mr Highbrow forum content now?
The fact that you obviously have no appreciation of haute couture tells me all I need to know about what kind of debased content you would find "highbrow"highbrow forum content
Twisted bra strap.It's been a year but finally my leg feels back to normal - now I have a searing pain in my left shoulder if I stretch for something or move it behind my back.. rotator cuff tear?
The fact that you obviously have no appreciation of haute couture tells me all I need to know about what kind of debased content you would find "highbrow"
So today I noticed for the first time that I can plainly see the lump on my offending knuckle. If I lay my hands out flat, the left (reasonably un-fucked-up) hand has a nice relatively straight line along the tops of my fingers to the back of the hand; the right has a 2-3mm speed bump on the knuckle at the base of the middle finger! Most of the other shit (tendinitis & other joint inflammation) that I originally went to get looked at has recovered, but the cartilage damage and arthritis remain, and will only go one way - worse.I have a similar sentiment. A few months ago I saw a quack about really sore fingers. Got x-rays, ultrasounds, bloods etc. Get the results back & doc reels off a whole list of shit going wrong, and almost as an afterthought, "there's also early-stage arthritis in one knuckle, and the one next to it isn't far behind". I'm only 46, I'm not that fuckin' old!!!!
Maybe no trail riding for a while?
Intrasubstance tear of the posterior supraspinatus tendon and tendinosis of infraspinatus
Mild subacromial/subdeltoid bursitis with impingment.
Thank you.
Doc' says no more Meloxicam for my knee pain before surgery on Tuesday as it's a blood thinner. Already feeling it. Fuckkity fuck fuck fuck.
Gonna be a fun weekend...
This man knows his stuff, I'd start with 10 or so cones a day, if no help keep upping the dose.Might be a good excuse to find a natural pain killer for a few days.