What they did was poison the lawn/weeds on their side of the fence but did it so heavily, it spread 8 meters into my yard. Small trees died, bushes plus the hedge we planted when we first moved in, at first we didn’t notice anything then we looked over then all leaves were falling off and then over the next week everything was dead. I fired up the chainsaw to clear the couple of trees and it was like a hot knife through butter, I was able to grab the stumps and pull them from the ground without any force.
I know exactly what started it too, as he had whipper snipped his 3 foot long grass and let it blow all over my front yard, me being the nice neighbour raked it all up neatly at the front of his property.
I now have his fruit tree growing on my fence line dropping all the rotten fruit into the back corner of my yard, as fruit trees drop their leaves after fruiting it may not make a full recovery for next spring.
Currently my front yard looks like a bomb went off with no plants all the wood chips just look a mess plus I’ve had to wait a while for the soil to recover my only concern is when I redoing the yard this will occur again.