One for the Graf/Stencil/street artists.... Apparently we're up to post #623 now

Too right Matty, haven't painted for ages, had a spare tinny at home and my art teacher at tafe let me me throw something up on the wall.

Just sketching up ideas, should go well once I get some more paint and rethink it a little more.



Reppin the Bradfield! ahaha love it
^^^Doesn't work for me.

Here is my latest, going to put some more effort into this style and try to paint it more often....get the feeling me and Fate should have done something more complimentary, same colours and background etc

Yeah I'd agree Ross, they don't really look like they're meant to be together at all.

To be finished. After minor shape adjustments, going to have a basic drop with matching orange flares/highlights. Two interacting characters in the middle over a background fade between the purple + orange.
Spent the last week in Melbourne, forgot how much I love the, people, transport, sport, cool stuff.

To my shock horror the Werribee line is almost completely buffed, apparently private contractors door knocked every building and the ones that agreed they painted their whole building dark grey:mmph: Great use of taxpayer money for sure. I think the only way to get through it will be a legal wall uprising, after the buildings get covered in tags door knock again and offer to paint something decent, beats grey and beats tags I'm sure most people would agree.

I got a couple of walls painted, first my favourite spot:


And second a wall I've always wanted to paint, must be one of the only public legal walls in the west, I used to play footy on the ground next to it as a kid and would always be distracted. I went out for a ride to check it out and some familiar faces were down there and offered me a prime spot:

I just saw a new Shame under a bridge beside a lake, purple jobby, liked.

I'm in your townz, looking at your graffz.......
Had a bit of a paint over the last few weeks.

Back from a long break, got a llllllllllllllllllot of brushing up to do.....

The top piece isn't very large, crouching on the ledge your head hits the ceiling.
Had the outline pre-drawn, went with the flow on the fill..., obviously.
The orange keyline came out much darker than I was hoping for.
Missed a bit of black on the S.


Fashn 1 L by jiangtaixi, on Flickr

Fashn 2 L by jiangtaixi, on Flickr

Fashn 3 L by jiangtaixi, on Flickr


teefs L by jiangtaixi, on Flickr

Killing time and paint, about 30cm high, did most of it standing on my toes

Fashn block M by jiangtaixi, on Flickr


Skull and Bones M by jiangtaixi, on Flickr
Loving it Johnny! Overall the FA spacing isn't too big a deal as it's overshadowed by the rest of the piece.

Have been pretty slack lately, uni is hectic to say the least. Trips out have been pretty much limited to slashing toys tagging/bombing over pieces. Can't wait to spend a few hours with the pad, Kuals left me his blackbook...
Looking forward to going back to Aussie.

if you are in Melb RMIT art gallery have an exhibition on at the moment "Space Invaders" stencil/posters/paste up work showing the last 10 years of Aus street art. Meek,Meggs Dlux! and many more.....

Some pretty damn fine work ....git on down there
Something a little different here.
About a month back myself and Rob Shedden (who I'm sure some of you know produces MTB edits) produced a music video. A fair chunk of it is a timelapse/footage of one of our mates doing a piece.
This is just the piece footage combined into one small edit.
I don't know too much about graf but I reckon it came out pretty well.


Full music video is here if you're interested.
if you are in Melb RMIT art gallery have an exhibition on at the moment "Space Invaders" stencil/posters/paste up work showing the last 10 years of Aus street art. Meek,Meggs Dlux! and many more.....

Some pretty damn fine work ....git on down there

HAHA is being shown also some of the best stencils i have ever seen!
Not at all happy with this one. The background should have been black with a grey keyline, that blue shouldn't have been anywhere on the piece and by the time I got to the background I just wanted to leave so threw any old shit up there. The actual word and the character are ok, the rest should go die, though. Oh, and I need to learn how to do drop shadows!

Anyone recognise the character?

fashn China sk by jiangtaixi, on Flickr

fashn china 3 by jiangtaixi, on Flickr

fashn china done by jiangtaixi, on Flickr
So keen for exams to finish, got 15 cans I need to use before I come back to Aus!

Oh, and I need to learn how to do drop shadows!

It might seem like a stupid question, but are you drawing a point below the piece where the shadows will originate from?

E.g. below, by putting a dot or using a landmark on a wall where your shadows point to, you'll keep it even and proportionate for the whole piece.

Anyone recognise the character?

So keen for exams to finish, got 15 cans I need to use before I come back to Aus!

It might seem like a stupid question, but are you drawing a point below the piece where the shadows will originate from?

E.g. below, by putting a dot or using a landmark on a wall where your shadows point to, you'll keep it even and proportionate for the whole piece.


You mean the 3D or the drop shadow?

I do put a point on the wall for the 3D (it was in the middle of the S where the wall meets the ground) however I changed the plan of this piece a number of times during the process. I was going to fade the 3D out down the bottom in to orange and red but decided against that and went with the solid 3D and a drop shadow. The drop shadow should have been a shade darker of the background instead of grey, that's what I should have done instead of the Chinese style clouds, which I ran out of paint for in the process of painting them.
You mean the 3D or the drop shadow?

I do put a point on the wall for the 3D (it was in the middle of the S where the wall meets the ground) however I changed the plan of this piece a number of times during the process. I was going to fade the 3D out down the bottom in to orange and red but decided against that and went with the solid 3D and a drop shadow. The drop shadow should have been a shade darker of the background instead of grey, that's what I should have done instead of the Chinese style clouds, which I ran out of paint for in the process of painting them.

Yeah, that's my bad. For some reason I thought you were talking about the 3D, rather than the shadow. Who knows why.
So, re: the shadow, the only problem I can see is that some angles are not uniform along the base, and the base of H isn't straight. Other than that, it seems pretty sweet to me! :)

Also, is the character Chairman Mao?
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