Seriously, GET OFF THE F*CKING TRAILS, you idiots.......

Technically, I'd say its the same as rear ending someone in traffic. Sure they might have slammed on the brakes, but its still your job to leave enough of a gap.

Or if a car comes round a blind corner too fast and hits a roadie, then its still the car's fault.

So whilst its annoying, you just gotta assume something could be around that corner and consider the need to stop or avoid something/someone.
Can we have a new edit? Shorter, some music (think Jaws) that builds as we come to the muppet in the middle of the trail before you go all chuck norris on him?


Damn it! I was hoping the link with the specific staring point would post.

2:35 is the point to watch. :)
I think 29ers attract a certain type of rider (arrogant, self righteous, full of shit...should be on the road)

I have ascended to my final form.


For weeks now I've been telling myself that I won't come on here and rant but today was the final straw. There is something very wrong with people who ride trails in Canberra.


I have now lost count of the amount of times I've had to fully lock up, go bush or just stop and look at some one because they are just sitting there, dead still in the middle of the trail...., quite often right in the middle of a high-speed section. The guy today on the flow trail at Majura, I'm looking at you. The guy on Bruce Ridge two weeks back with his little girl that had me screaming towards them, brakes locked yelling "loooook oouutt", this thread is for you. The two guys who'd just come from Bruce Ridge that were taking up the whole bike path and look at me mystified as I said "guys, carnt of a place to stop", you're it. The guy also near Bruce Ridge who heard me say "Mate, people come barrelling down this hill any you're ona blind corner", this rant's for you. The two guys on Bruce Ridge that forced me to ride around them because you were too lazy and arrogant to to move one meter sideways when I rode up to you, I'm talking about you.

Honestly, don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, it's only really been happening for the last 3 months but the regularity with which it occurs has left me bewildered. How the fuck can anyone not think "this is a bad idea" when they sit in the middle of a really fast (or any) section of trail??!!

If any of the people in Canberra that have had a fairly chunky guy on a green Trek or silver Cannondale tell you you're in a stupid place to stop are reading this thread, you're doing something dangerous, frustrating and really, really fucking dumb. Take a step to the side and get out of people's way, please.

Pointless rant at the interweb done.

Probably snowboarders.
I can remember a while back heading down the bottom of Old Duffy, the section that skirts the hill just before the last drop off before the car park, a group of kids, with their parents, rode the wrong way up the trail before one of the kids dumped his bike in the middle of the trail to head up the hill and check out the 4x track! The parents weren't even shocked when I told them that they were actually doing something incredibly dangerous and dumb - it was like they hadn't even realised that anyone else was out there and they could possibly be in the way. That kid was lucky his bike didn't end up 50m down the bottom of the hill.

Johnny, I've never really had many issues riding Bruce Ridge - aside from the fact there are lots of blind corners, and being 2-way sometimes you don't see a rider coming in the opposite direction until the last minute. Curious about what type of times you're normally riding out there though, my rides are often in the morning on the way to work when it's pretty quiet.

Did come across old mate once though, panniers on the back of his commuter on the single track, who gave no fucks that he was holding me up - not even sure he realised there was anyone behind him.
It was my first time at Thredbo at the weekend and the Flow trail was full of numpties standing in the middle of fast berms. Especially between 10am and 11am. (It seems lots of people only do one run, have a nightmare then take their bike back)

Each one I came across someone stopped somewhere daft I tried to communicate politely but firmly that it was not a good place to stop and that the edge of the straights were a much better option for all concerned.

Did I come across as a dick to them?


Do I care?

No not if I communicated that dicks like me (and many many more who are loads faster) could clout them hard if they stood hidden there.

I don't want to come across as a dick but I'd much rather I upset a couple of people but get them to change their behaviour slightly for the benefit of all. Some times folks need to understand the way it is!!
That is a very nice blue.

I don't even see colour anymore, just numbers. Income bands, postcodes, watts, TSS, blend percentages, roasting times. It's like the matrix. If I notice a glitch in the matrix I just tweet about it and take a selfie though.
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I've only had the situation of muppets on the trail a couple times, but they do seem to always pick a blind corner or spot where there isn't room for an escape.


Watch from 2:35. Just realised the video doesn't post with the specific starting point.

Yyyyyup, perfect example of what I'm talking about.

Johnny, I've never really had many issues riding Bruce Ridge - aside from the fact there are lots of blind corners, and being 2-way sometimes you don't see a rider coming in the opposite direction until the last minute. Curious about what type of times you're normally riding out there though, my rides are often in the morning on the way to work when it's pretty quiet.

I ride it each morning and afternoon as part of the commute as well. However I also live nearby and ride it often on weekends as well, which is when the majority of problems occur.
If more people swear and yell, people will get the message eventually

If you ever drive in the right lane without changing left, or drive parallel to the car on the left for an extended period in anything other than heavy traffic, please go away, and don't comment on this thread - you are the same person just in a different environment.
I don't even see colour anymore, just numbers. Income bands, postcodes, watts, TSS, blend percentages, roasting times. It's like the matrix. If I notice a glitch in the matrix I just tweet about it and take a selfie though.

Sometimes a sweet selfie is all it takes to heal the wounds. Ive taken to not drinking my coffee anymore. Im getting a richer flavour and stronger hit smoking it in a pipe.
Sometimes a sweet selfie is all it takes to heal the wounds. Ive taken to not drinking my coffee anymore. Im getting a richer flavour and stronger hit smoking it in a pipe.

If you must smoke, give freebasing a shot... it's the real deal.
Yyyyyup, perfect example of what I'm talking about.

I ride it each morning and afternoon as part of the commute as well. However I also live nearby and ride it often on weekends as well, which is when the majority of problems occur.

The vid says it's Lower Buckle... na, sorry, it is Middle trail.

The trick with Lysty is to avoid the joint like the plague on Saturday or Sunday morning. 'tis Bourke St
Ive taken to not drinking my coffee anymore. Im getting a richer flavour and stronger hit smoking it in a pipe.

I went through that phase. Coffee enema is where it's at now. It can be addictive though, but I think I'm strong enough to manage it appropriately.

With rocket frog, and gap creek In general being so close to the carpark lots of people who know no better see it as great place for a Sunday ride with the kids. If a parent knew that there was a strong possibility that little Jonny might be confronted with a grown man (or woman) on mtb bike moving at 30-40 kms +, I think they would reconsider and fuck off to south bank. There are heaps better places to take the kids.

As for walkers, they stick mainly to the fire trails and personally haven't come across them on the single track. I ride their arftenoons twice a week. I have copped some shit from an old duck I scared, something about not having a bell. If they weren't spread across the track I wouldn't clipped her!! Joke, they weren't spread across the trail.

I have had to slow down many times for families, a while back I encountered mum and dad with three small kids climbing rocket frog, they were all rooted, staggered and separated over about 50-80 meters. I can cop that because like I said, they know no better, and will probably only do it once.

What I can't cop is what happened about a month a go at the top of rocket frog. Coming down near the road at speed where you hook a sharp right just after the timber bridge, to find some absolute inconsiderate prick sitting on his bike with his back wheel parked over the trail. Through me way off line, and wait for it....on his fucking phone.
Seriously ffs, this bloke should no better. He saw me coming but made no attempt whatsoever to move. Not only was it a chunt act, it was dangerous and entirely unnecessary.
Thanks champ, Your a total turd.

So don't feel alone in Canberra, Brisbane has its fair share of tools as well!
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