
and if possible attempt to identify the snake

All of your advice was perfect except for the point I've quoted above.

That is one of the worst things you can do. Not only will you potentially causing yourself to stress and exert yourself, but many people that try and identify snakes after being bitten or when someone else has been bitten, they often get bitten again.

Hospitals can identify the required antivenin from the venom in the wound.

All of your advice was perfect except for the point I've quoted above.

That is one of the worst things you can do. Not only will you potentially causing yourself to stress and exert yourself, but many people that try and identify snakes after being bitten or when someone else has been bitten, they often get bitten again.

Hospitals can identify the required antivenin from the venom in the wound.


I did say "if possible" i would never suggest conducting a further interview with said snake :)
whatever limb that was bitten, dont move it and put a pressure bandage on the wound. The venom moves through your muscle stream or something like that. The more you move the move the muscle, the faster the venom moves.

Lymphatic system.
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Is it better to try ride in the mornings when it's cooler on those hot days to avoide the snakes?
Is it better to try ride in the mornings when it's cooler on those hot days to avoide the snakes?

Nope, they'll often come out early to bask and get a bit of heat in them. If it's properly hot like 35+ it's less likely you'll seem them out and about as they'll often be in a shady cooler spot.

There's always a chance they'll be out though regardless of season or weather. Despite what Hollywood has lead us to believe they don't hop on a plane when conditions don't suit them to head somewhere nicer. I think that's mainly because they can't find little snake suitcases to pack up all their belongings to go on holiday.
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Lymphatic system.

My neighbour across the road is a wildlife vet, and has extensive experience with all sorts of snakes. The above quote is exactly what he has told me.
Try to stay still as possible and place a compression bandage over the bite.
Seen a couple at Lysty, both red belly blacks. Fortunately they were off the trails and didn't seem interested. Still scares the s**t out of me, if you run over one at speed what happens to the next poor sucker coming down the trail?!!
Is it better to try ride in the mornings when it's cooler on those hot days to avoide the snakes?

Most of my encounters have been mid morning/late arvos. Mid mornings were always in spring and arvos, spring/summer.
Seen a couple at Lysty, both red belly blacks. Fortunately they were off the trails and didn't seem interested. Still scares the s**t out of me, if you run over one at speed what happens to the next poor sucker coming down the trail?!!

Well I guess it depends does the snake now have a new found respect for bikes and plan to stay away. Or is it now on a rampage targeting all bikes riders. But honestly I dont think it would of lived it got hit hard and going by the thud it made when it whipped round and got my tyre or rim it took a huge blow to the head. Any way what was it thinking mongooses kill snakes so why would it mess with my bike . Lol

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Most of my encounters have been mid morning/late arvos. Mid mornings were always in spring and arvos, spring/summer.

From what I understand snakes are more active hunting at dusk and dawn so that is when they are on the move. You only see them on the trails basking in the sun thats what the one I nailed was doing just getting warm.

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At least if you see Red Belly blacks around you won't be seeing any brown snakes as they will kill them, but I'd prefer not to see any.

Strangely enough for those that care the red bellies are in decline (not endangered by any means), as their diet mainly consists of frogs, but because of cane toads they are dying as a result of eating them.
At least if you see Red Belly blacks around you won't be seeing any brown snakes as they will kill them, but I'd prefer not to see any.

Strangely enough for those that care the red bellies are in decline (not endangered by any means), as their diet mainly consists of frogs, but because of cane toads they are dying as a result of eating them.

We need some red belly black snakes around hear they are awesome as far as snakes go. Love the colour scheme red and black my favourite combo. Lol they are also not as dangerous to humans i think not sure but i think there venom is less toxic.
We need some red belly black snakes around hear they are awesome as far as snakes go. Love the colour scheme red and black my favourite combo. Lol they are also not as dangerous to humans i think not sure but i think there venom is less toxic.

You are correct they aren't nearly as dangerous, Browns venom is both haemotoxic and neurotoxic, nasty little bastards :)