
How did you go afterwards, treatment and effects etc?
I got pretty lucky. It bit me on the toe and one of its fangs hit my toenail so I only got a half dose. I was only about 10yo so things were hidden from me a bit but I'm told the defibrillator was on standby for a while.
Biggest effect was that for a year or two afterwards scratches on that leg tended to get a bit infected. I also had an unexplained vomiting episode a couple of days afterwards (all through a sizzler at my birthday party - oops)
I got pretty lucky. It bit me on the toe and one of its fangs hit my toenail so I only got a half dose. I was only about 10yo so things were hidden from me a bit but I'm told the defibrillator was on standby for a while.
Biggest effect was that for a year or two afterwards scratches on that leg tended to get a bit infected. I also had an unexplained vomiting episode a couple of days afterwards (all through a sizzler at my birthday party - oops)
Sizzler birthday party - I think I have an explanation :)
So out night riding at the you yangs and seeing lots of critters. Scorpions, spiders, etc.
Just cruising down my last run on Cressy and almost run over this little guy in the track. He’s actually pretty small. Much smaller than the photo Looks. Maybe a foot long at most.