so emo and stuff.

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Likes Dirt
Personally i think the whole "emo" thing has been stereotyped to the max, not that i know what an "emo" actually is:confused: . I do get annoyed somewhat by all the people following the fashion trend of emo's, ie; skinny leg jeans and the whole fringe one way. I think it has become synonomous (sp?) with whinning teenagers who are overly emotional.

Few definitions:
Taken from urban dictionary:

Punk music on estrogen.:p Often acoustic guitar with soft, high male vocals that dwell exessively on the singer's feelings, especially melancholy remembrances of past relationships/mistakes in life.


More factual one

In the early 90s there was a movement in the hardcore genre that came to be known as "Emotive Hardcore," spearheaded by Rites Of Spring. Harder-core-than-thou kids, who swore by Dischord Records a la Minor Threat, actually coined the term "Emo" as something of a put-down for the kids who really liked Rites Of Spring, Indian Summer and this new wave of "Emotive" Hardcore bands. That's right, "Emo" was once not something kids called themselves. The field exploded outwards from there - Level-Plane Records has always been the most famous Emo label. Acts like Yaphet Kotto, I Hate Myself, Saetia, Hot Cross, A Day In Black And White, Funeral Diner, I Would Set Myself On Fire For You, You And I, and hosts of others came in the next decade. Most emo bands have since broken up, but there's still the occasional hold-out (again, the majority of Level-Plane Records' roster has been a procession of emo acts). Like most DIY hardcore/punk of the time, a majority found its way onto vinyl and not much else. Some people consider bands like Fugazi, and later Sunny Day Real Estate, a progression of emo, but personally, I don't quite follow that philosophy.

Often, more recently, this gets intertwined with post-hardcore, and understandably so - that's nothing to make an issue of, since well shit, at least it's close.

Since the late 90s, though, bands have been emerging in the vein of Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional, and the thousands of their clones. As far as I can tell, some lazy journalist somewhere, writing an article about them, decided "Well, fuck, no one knows what emo is anyways, so I'll call these bands "emo" - sounds more appealing than bubblegum pop rock..." and the spiral continued downwards into the current amalgomation of bands MTV has told everyone is "emo."

Somehow, people decided that "emo" meant "emotional," which is obviously bullshit, as 99% of bands make music to illicit emotion, which would make "emotional" a completely all-encompassing genre from classical to opera to pop to rap.

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fattyandthepiemakers said:
Like I said before... "I would also like to point out that crack addicts and emos are completely different worlds."
Ahh ok. My mistake.

So are crack addicts higher or lower on the rank of social coolness than emos?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I don't know why its such a hot topic for people to bag, but I swear to god if I hear anyone else say "I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself" I'm going to jam my fist down their throat and rip out their testicles.

YES I AM TALKING TO YOU KRIS-O, pray we never meet son...

kris-o said:
i have a nother joke. this one is about emos
i wish my grass was emo then i wouldn't have to worry about getting out my mower and cutting it


haha that link was a good read. I get called emo by people that assume if you have a black shirt and peircings your emo. i dont listen to emo music, i listen to hardcore. I dont wear tight jeans and i dont have a fringe covering my beautiful eyes. the only time i dont have a hat/helmet on is when i sleep even then its tempting tho. I dont particularly care about being called emo its only by the ignorant... I get pissed off when girls try telling me emo people are always bi-sexual and make out with each other. On msn all the little teeny bopper chicks that have caught onto the emo craze about 12 months too late and have gone out and gotten mullets, have pictures of kids wit fringes kissing.And they also tell me screamo bands are emo. These chicks are idiots.
im not really sure wat defines an emo. Its gone passed the fringes now. you also must have hair that sticks up at the back all over the shop. and possibly multiple colours as in the picture i have attached (see if you can pick the girl) Wearing alot of rubber o-ring things also seems to help, im not sure if its true but i've seen an emo kids display picture with a slit wrist and saying "why do you think we wear bracelets?" . I have also seen shirts around saying "I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself" haha junior
I notice alot of emo kids have 6-8 mm tunnels in their ears. I assume this is because it is just a fad they are going through and they are too soft to get it permanent (anything over 10mmish). Emo's also wear mascara and black nail polish on the odd occasion. They own Band t-shirts of bands they have never seen and generally they buy the shirts 2 sizes too small. Not to be confused with cheap ass metal heads who buy pantera shirts 3 sizes too big so it will last them until they are overweight and old

Thats pretty much all i can think of to describe emo. There must be some self proclaimed emo's on here, the other night at charlestown square there was one emo to every one other type of kid.. There was an asian kid with tight jeans and red eye liner on too. Not sure what the go was there.



and1 said:
I don't know why its such a hot topic for people to bag, but I swear to god if I hear anyone else say "I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself" I'm going to jam my fist down their throat and rip out their testicles.

YES I AM TALKING TO YOU KRIS-O, pray we never meet son...
i guess i didnt need those testicles anyway. although i was typing that before you posted. promise :p


johnny said:
I bet this > [-----------] much, that this thread will be locked in no more than 18 posts!
all the kiddies are in bed by now so this thread is safe for another few hours, you forgot to add that into your equation before you decided to bet. although you did most of the posts.

Farkin would be much more productive if all the people that knew stuff came on from midnight onwards, with alot less interuption from the kiddies and that. (cept for silly ones like me)


Likes Dirt
I believe that the one problem with emo's is difference. They are different to everyone else. Difference means change/s, and change/s worry people. Especially when it happens in mass. So don't worry aboutt guys. The emos are taking over the world. Hell half of them aren't really emo's anyway (check a few posts up for nitwit's quote, that's what you're looking for). Just leave the little kids alone and they will all move onto the next craze when it happens.


Merry fucking Xmas to you assholes
Jordy said:
im not really sure wat defines an emo. Its gone passed the fringes now. you also must have hair that sticks up at the back all over the shop. and possibly multiple colours as in the picture i have attached (see if you can pick the girl).
No idea who the girl is but I'd happily fight her boyfriend for her. Thats assuming he didn't start crying first.

tu plang

i think the reason people target them is because it comes across as a cry for attention. i think theres people who probably consider themselves emo, and then theres people who sit in the Queen street mall yelling shit at other people, heaven forbid - it isnt a one way street. I have no problem with people being different, i dont go out of my way to be different but i dont strive to fit in. i think what gets people annoyed are those who are basically getting around in a way thats saying 'look at me, im different' ...just like my 100 friends over there.

i think in short, if you're going to go out seeking attention, don't be surprised if it has a negative taste.


Eats Squid
There is no such thing as 'emo' anymore, maybe there never was. Everybody who you all think is 'emo' probably bought their tight black jeans & stripy shirt at General Pants/Supre, & got their hair cut & coloured by a professional hairdresser.


ex offender
RCOH said:
There is no such thing as 'emo' anymore, maybe there never was. Everybody who you all think is 'emo' probably bought their tight black jeans & stripy shirt at General Pants/Supre, & got their hair cut & coloured by a professional hairdresser.
And what would a gen-u-wine emo have done? Sewn up his own pants out of the skin he'd shaved off his wrists (which being overly skinny, only provided enough for extremely tight pants)? Coloured his hair with motor oil? :confused:

I got my hair cut by a PROFESSIONAL barber a few weeks ago. I'M SUCH A FRAUD!


Eats Squid
S. said:
And what would a gen-u-wine emo have done? Sewn up his own pants out of the skin he'd shaved off his wrists (which being overly skinny, only provided enough for extremely tight pants)? Coloured his hair with motor oil? :confused:

I got my hair cut by a PROFESSIONAL barber a few weeks ago. I'M SUCH A FRAUD!
But you don't claim to be emo ;)

I mean, as someone stated before. the 'emo' genre came from the DCHC scene (see Dischord Record label). The whole attraction of the earlier scene (as I understand it, i wasn't there, I was only 3 or so years old) ws the individuality & DIY nature of punk rock/hc. People dressed as they did to stand out not to fit in, therefore they made their own look that was not available to purchase at your local neighbourhood clothing franchise.


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phatr32 said:
this guy is close to being emo, but not fully there yet
I know this is nasty, but I just can’t stop laughing at this picture. Everyone is taking pictures of the poor bugger while he is just sitting there, trying to look sorry for himself.
I still don’t understand the whole "emo" thing, I've only ever heard of it on here, but from what I can see in that picture, it could be summed up as a glutton for punishment.
It's sad, but it's a bit like laughing at your mate when nads himself, you know you shouldn’t be laughing but you just can’t help it, it's damn funny.


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floody said:
Apart from maybe band T-shirts, why do folks dress to music anyway?
belonging, fitting-in, etc...

not too many folk going to megadeth wearing a pink polo shirt and blue jeans with the white adidas shoes...
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