Down on the left!
Funny you mention that. I was up in the hills last night and it’s only forest, old logging land and fire roads. Nothing else. One road in.A few mates and I were out on dirt bikes in the middle of this pine plantation in the middle of nowhere. We stopped to take a breather off a side track when we heard a familiar potato potato potato, sound of a Harley chugging along. Just down below us this guy on a Harley slow rode past us and as we were on the little side track, he didn't see us. The track in was fairly rough and would have been a challenge on the Harley in places. Pretty sure there was a crop up there somewhere he was going to attend. We decided that once he was out of earshot it would be best to head off in the opposite direction. There always were rumours of a buried container full of guns and drugs out in the forest somewhere. Not something you want to go looking for though.
A commodore ute full of the scungiest toothless dudes flies past which is weird as it’s usually 4WD’s looking for a track to rip up. I noticed some big metal things in the back of the ute tub under a tarp and figured they were looking for a place to dump it.
10 minutes later they come past me on a different fire trail, stop and ask if there’s any houses around. These guys were rough. Shonky old tats, literally 3 teeth between them. Obvious track mark scars and a pit bull in the back. I say no man. No houses around here at all. Nada. He shows me his phone and a pin drop and it’s in the middle of native Forrest.
I ask what house are you looking for and his mate says quickly oh it’s a friends. They rent it out.
Uh huh. ok. Sure. Well there ain’t no house around here mate and I rode off. All I can think of is they were looking for a crop or something.