Ok, so who's going to tell them?
Wot, it has to be you, I'm a... voice in your head. You've got all the thumbs and stuff....
Go way, baitin....
No one will get that reference....
Well, instead of shopping.... Look at the title of this thread, is it's spankys Japanese shopping experience...no, no it's not.... So, Fook it.... Let's ride ( Let's face it, we'd buy stuff for pplz we don't really like... And they probably can get on Amazon from Jeff's glands)
We took off up the Tamagawa, it's flat but fairly busy.... We used to ride from home to work and back ( work would cover your train fare both ways, and when you're poor as fwark... The extra yen used to help... And we'd just cycle our way there.. bonus 1000 yen...) so,.we've done this a few times before... Including one day where there was a typhoon and a crazy 45km/h tail wind....
We saw a little critter shaking it's anal antenna ( we're sticking with that description) and it made us giggle like a Japanese school girl...
Sorry, we are new at content creation shit.... The music is absolutely fookin horrible.
We saw a comfortable toilet, which was one of 4 toilets.... The other three probably had barbed wire toilet seats? We didn't do a close investigation...
I mean, would you just wait for the comfortable one.... God damn, should.of looked.
After hitting up our old school and scaring the poop out of our old sensei..
It was time to head back
We saw a bird ( yeah, all you bird nerds can tell us what it is) that had trapped a 'little' carp fishy... Usually these birds are well skittish but this one was willing to let us { there was another old.man on a bicycle watching} near it as it looked like a great meal.... It took quite and effort to pick up and arrange so it could become dinner.... But, ding ding ding, the bird was the winner

in this round.
So, that's about it... Sorry for lying... It wasn't planned... We are now about 800m from where we will be boarding our plane to head back to reality.
Ahhhh, reality is close enough we can smell it....and it's not good
The Ham, his handler
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