tricks on teachers


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I got myself (and now a few envious mates ;D) a wrist watch that controls TV's. Its a bit confusing to first work out how to use it but once u get it going... Pure bloody gold! Christian studies teacher was soooooo lost :D


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I got myself (and now a few envious mates ;D) a wrist watch that controls TV's. Its a bit confusing to first work out how to use it but once u get it going... Pure bloody gold! Christian studies teacher was soooooo lost :D
want to link us to this website of utter glory? :p


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throw shit up at the fan

best one in christian ed is to just continuoly (sp) ask questions, i only did this recently, and boy, she was losing it, they get to a point where it seems like they are lying about their faith


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hahah we made our chemistry teachers retire after 30 years in the business yesterday talk about a lecture then throwing a duster into the wall.

Originally Posted by |Matt|
You think thats something to be proud of? Fucking idiot.

no i dont think it is but i do care because he was an alright teacher i wasnt the one that he was going off at prolly it was the dickheads the open there mouth with out knowing shit!
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throw shit up at the fan

best one in christian ed is to just continuoly (sp) ask questions, i only did this recently, and boy, she was losing it, they get to a point where it seems like they are lying about their faith
note: this only works of you have ateacher that doesnt ramble on and think they are great


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You think thats something to be proud of? Fucking idiot.
no i dont think it is but i do care because he was an alright teacher i wasnt the one that he was going off at prolly it was the dickheads the open there mouth with out knowing shit! Hence


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in maths we used to have this real old guy and a couple of times if we'd say ohh god, or jesus crist or what the hell he'd just go ballistic, that was good. also we were second top level of the buildin so we'd see how far back in the room you could be to still get your paper airoplain out of the window. also we'd move allt he desks including the teachers to the front or the back of the room and he actually would send us to the little closet he had next to his room which was funny haha.

but by far the best is the classic.
4 corners
you ahve to see who can touch all 4 corners in the room before getting introuble its soo good
very similar to the stand up game,
see who can stand up the longest before getting in heaps of trouble.
well thats it for me thats just about all i ahve to offer, haha, i'll have to read through sum of these to see what everyone else has written
thave funn


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Some kids threw stuff at the fan, a dictionary was the biggest thing and it bent the fan a little.

Make a massive paper ball.


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HAHAHA well things that my class did last year was with our french teacher or really any dumb teacher (Not saying french people are dumb), we would sometimes all drop our pens on the ground at the same time and make like a mone noise eg. "aww not again....argghh" ect. It looks and sounds hilarious when you do it. Other ones are like all coughing at the same time, or one person coughs then another person straight after and yeah it goes on and on. Then we all did a table swap now and then when the teacher is at the white board and in the end we are all sitting at a different seat, but then sometimes they catch one person and tell them to go back to their original seat still not noticing that EVERYONE had changed seat. Man it is fun!!!!


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Honestly, the best way to piss off ANYONE is to get at them without them being able to actually say what you did.

For example, constantly reminding teachers that you love them is a good one.

teacher: "Can you please throw that incessant paper aeroplane in the bin?"
Scumbag kid: "Sure, but only because i love you."


Likes Dirt
I got myself (and now a few envious mates ;D) a wrist watch that controls TV's. Its a bit confusing to first work out how to use it but once u get it going... Pure bloody gold! Christian studies teacher was soooooo lost :D
I will back this all the way. Tim this was so gold.
Another thing to do with these watches is to turn of another classes TV while they are watching it from outside the room. If only we was taller timmy.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
You're right, that was more of an example of pissing someone off without them knowing why it pissed them off.

But it's all good anyway.


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Whenever you see them, be awkwardly friendly. For example, if they're walking past, just say 'hey {insert name}' really loudly and enthusiastically with some gestures, and after a while they get quite creeped out, and a little fed up.


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if there is only a few of you in a class, (eg. u missed an excursion) when the teacher has their back turned you put all the chairs you possibly can around another student (or even the teacher) i did it last year in science and my friend had to put them all back after class even tho i did it! it was priceless because she was the principal