Twenty quality MTB threads by Christmas or Santa gets it....

There can be only one!
We know, we know... thread dredge..... but, did y'all farkineers that won get your farkin T-shirts?

Hope youre wearing them round proudly.. we ... just never fit them...

f*ck that was awesome...... hunting for stuff to donate for this year....

Samurai cup anyone?

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@Tubbsy :(

Give me their addresses.... We'll get something else in the mail...

wont be good, probably get them onto a FBI watch list....

but, let's roll....

p.s. we've made a promise we havent kept, and it keeps us up a night..... hoped that skin cancer would help us... diScovered this year that skin cancer had let us down......

p.s.s. peeps, contact us if you're owed a t-shirt... and then set fire to your mail box.....
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