Warburton trail updates


Eats Squid
I was out at Warby today and had a bit of a look around.

Mind Crusher is in great shape and riding well. Some of the newly routed corners are a bit of a pedal-fest, but each to their own... There was one jump (nearer the bottom) that had been semi-tabled that's a bit out of whack. The lander is further out than it was when it was a gap, which makes for nice healthy case unless you're absolutely hooking it... Not sure why it's no longer a gap - all the others are and have been fixed up so they work well.

Top track (Matt's track) no longer has any signs up warning MTBers off it, but did have a whole heap of massive boulders at the bottom (by the carpark) that looked like they were there to keep motos out? Track was really overgrown, water rutted and pretty much all the jumps were wrecked by the trail gremlin, motos or the rain. I rode it, but it was no fun at all... Well, bottom section was OK...

The jumps track (by the road) was riding well, but I had to clear a lot of windfall and there were some larger trees down that need a chainsaw. Most of the jumps were running OK, but I had to fix up a couple of ramps as water had washed away too much dirt and left just the logs. There was some green plastic sheeting/decking that looked like it is going to be used in some sections - hopefully the long log ride, which is just plain dangerous as is (tree rotting and very slick).

There was no sign of the new track that was rumoured to connect the highest point with the jumps track or top track.

All in all it looks like nothing has been done since I was up there months ago, which is strange as I'd heard that it was all systems go with the area and that everything would be legal and up and running by this summer. Apparently the deal was that if Lala was closed for good, it was OK to maintain and continue to run the other 2 tracks and build the connecting track.

I know there is a FB page about it somewhere, but damned if I can find anything recent.

Anyone have any official word on what the plan is for for these tracks? I'm not talking about the 'proposed' XC bike park thing that probably won't be completed any time this decade...
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Apparently the original trail builders weren't happy with the proposed nanny trails. Rumour is they are re building in a new remote location.
Apparently the original trail builders weren't happy with the proposed nanny trails. Rumour is they are re building in a new remote location.

I don't blame them, I've seen the plans... I'm prepared to put a little bit of work into keeping the existing trails going as they are great riding, but I don't live close by and it would be nice if some others could pitch in as well. Mostly what both tracks need is a good raking, but Top track also needs a bit of work done on the ramps of all the jumps (thanks moto f*&kheads). I'd be surprised if Matt V has abandoned the jumps track after having put so much work into it. And if he has, I wonder who put the green plastic decking material there?

As for the new trails that are inevitably being built, I guess they'll be kept secret the way the existing trails were...
I unfortunately never got to ride the original warby trails but the videos I've seen just look awesome. There is still a couple of guys working out there with parks but a fair majority of punters had lost interest. Its a shame the DH trails got shafted the most there but hopefully if new trails are being built somewhere else they are as good as the original.

Anyone got any news on Narby.
Warby is being worked on. There was a maintenance day on Mind Crusher a couple of weeks ago and the first build day on the DH track as well.

FB page has all the info, as does Doug.
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Warby is being worked on. There was a maintenance day on Mind Crusher a couple of weeks ago and the first build day on the DH track as well.

FB page has all the info, as does Doug.

Really? There is a reference to a maintenance day on Top track a few weeks ago, but having been out there I can only conclude that it never happened. Mind Crusher getting a spruce up is old news, but there's nada on the two DH tracks in question, which are a sorry sight. Is Dr Doug on RB? What's happening Doug?? How can we help?

IMHO FB isn't the best way of making shit happen or disseminating reliable information that doesn't get buried in a plethora of other posts...

If there was a Warby DH track maintenance day that resulted in the trails being fixed up to a rideable standard and the ambiguity of their status made clear, myself and many others would be there in a flash. A FB event is not the way to make this happen. RB might be. Better still - a combination of several different promotional strategies...

I'd also like to point out that those of us who would occasionally be shuttling these trails would be more than happy to use the other access road and avoid pissing off grumpy neighbour #2 (#1 was the dude responsible for the death of Lala (RIP)). I respect that these people live there and factors like dust and noise do impact on their existence. For the sake of taking an earlier turnoff and spending about 90 seconds more on another gravel road, this is a small price to pay for everyone's needs to be take care of.

Let's not make this losing trails faster than we gain them thing become the norm in VIC.
The info is readily available. Become a paid up member if you really want to be helpful.

Just because you can't see things happening doesn't mean they aren't.

Send frug a PM if you want to know how best you can help.
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The info is readily available. Become a paid up member if you really want to be helpful.

Just because you can't see things happening doesn't mean they aren't.

Send frug a PM if you want to know how best you can help.

Thanks, on the case. Hopefully others who have read this post and want to continue to ride Warby will take action as well.
I was out at Warby for a trail build/maintenance day a couple weekends back.

It was supposed to be on the DH trails but ended up being on Crusher instead, as they want to finish that up first before moving on.
We cut in the rest of the new entrance and exit to Crusher so there's no more two-way trail like the old start/end section.
Berms and features to be added later.

The next build day is apparently going to be organized for some time during November.

Once Crusher is complete, the work will be moved over to the DH trails.
If Doug isn't about to post regarding the future build days, I'll make sure I mention them. :)

Anyone got any news on Narby.

FTF have told me it's fine to ride as is, but no building is allowed until the road crossings are sorted.
We are however, allowed to go and rake the track clear of leaves and debris.
Cool. Being hearing mixed reports on narby some saying its still closed others saying Parks are tolerating people riding there. Stopped by a few weeks ago passing through and its in rough shape needs a solid day of clearing and raking.
I was out at Warby for a trail build/maintenance day a couple weekends back.

It was supposed to be on the DH trails but ended up being on Crusher instead, as they want to finish that up first before moving on.
We cut in the rest of the new entrance and exit to Crusher so there's no more two-way trail like the old start/end section.
Berms and features to be added later.

The next build day is apparently going to be organized for some time during November.

Once Crusher is complete, the work will be moved over to the DH trails.
If Doug isn't about to post regarding the future build days, I'll make sure I mention them. :)

FTF have told me it's fine to ride as is, but no building is allowed until the road crossings are sorted.
We are however, allowed to go and rake the track clear of leaves and debris.

Thanks for the update and great work on Crusher, which is running sweet. I'm chomping at the bit to get the DH tracks back online, I reckon the jumps track could be done in a day as it's really just minor raking, chainsawing a couple of smallish fallen trees and fixing up a couple of ramps. Top Track needs a bit more work, mainly raking and fixing pretty much all the jumps. Doug told me that he's planning to roll this out over the next 3 months, but I'm kinda wondering why we can't do it before summer...

Maybe we could use this thread for updates and to advertise build days?
They probably need to work around DELWP.
We all know how sloooow and hopeless government organisations can be (are?).

With the VDHS and Enduro series' on at the moment, I'm sure many normally available hands are either racing or injured, too.

Plus Doug has a bike shop to run.

Over the next 3 months should be fine though. If numbers are high and the work can get done, afterwards we'd still get a good few months riding before the gates are closed for winter. :)
They probably need to work around DELWP.
We all know how sloooow and hopeless government organisations can be (are?).

With the VDHS and Enduro series' on at the moment, I'm sure many normally available hands are either racing or injured, too.

Plus Doug has a bike shop to run.

Over the next 3 months should be fine though. If numbers are high and the work can get done, afterwards we'd still get a good few months riding before the gates are closed for winter. :)
Good to hear about some proposed DH trails at warby. Depending on what DH trails have been proposed i would be keen to help out.
Matt's original trail, and the newer jumps/flow trail will be worked on, and to my knowledge, the start of Lala before the road crossing will be connected to Matt's two trails as well.

We should all help regardless, getting some of Melbourne's finest reopened ASAP benefits all MTB riders.
Matt's original trail, and the newer jumps/flow trail will be worked on, and to my knowledge, the start of Lala before the road crossing will be connected to Matt's two trails as well.

We should all help regardless, getting some of Melbourne's finest reopened ASAP benefits all MTB riders.

They really are some of the best, if not the best trails close to Melbourne. Well worth a little bit of effort. Given the closure signs have been removed and Matt is no longer part of it, does this mean that any of us eager beavers who can't wait 3 months and are prepared to put in some work in the meantime are able to ride them? Can't see the harm, the more wheels down there the better to get things flowing again. Just don't enter via Mt Bride road... With the clearing and work I did on the ramps on jumps track last week, it's totally rideable apart from the 2 trees that need a chainsaw. Oh and that log ride is a bit sketchy...
I think it's safe to say we should still keep off the DH trails for the time being.
Personally, I'd rather focus on getting them properly fixed first over potentially setting things back further (as much as I am dying to ride there again!).

Oh, and Matt is still at the helm of the existing trails, and their repair/maintenance/alteration. :peace:
I think it's safe to say we should still keep off the DH trails for the time being.
Personally, I'd rather focus on getting them properly fixed first over potentially setting things back further (as much as I am dying to ride there again!).

Oh, and Matt is still at the helm of the existing trails, and their repair/maintenance/alteration. :peace:

Yeah, no problem, I'll curb my enthusiasm and wait for it to be done properly. Don't want Matt to hit me with his spade as I'm riding past!
Next trail building days for the DH trails.

Nov 19th/20th
Nov 26th/27th
Dec 03rd/04th

More details to follow soon.

Would be great to get as many hands on deck as possible.
Bring tools (shovels, nail rakes, rakhos) and gloves. Hi-vis and helmets are provided.
Next trail building days for the DH trails.

Nov 19th/20th
Nov 26th/27th
Dec 03rd/04th

More details to follow soon.

Would be great to get as many hands on deck as possible.
Bring tools (shovels, nail rakes, rakhos) and gloves. Hi-vis and helmets are provided.

Good stuff, glad to see some movement.
Keen to get on the shovel and help out. Nov dates no good for me, ignition and then away, but dec. should be a goer.
Glad to hear the top section of Lala is still in the mix, rad trail. Still makes me weep that that trails gone. Best trail in Vic.
Kudos to all getting on board and getting Warby happening again, it's a huge loss to the sport to not have what we had out there 3+ years ago!!