What are you listening to NOW?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
FuzzFM gets a lot of air time in my place atm.

LTIL internet radio, where you can search the wierdest types of music & find some channel which plays precisely that 24/7


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Yup, we listen to a bit of Soma also.

I'm spending a bit of time on Postrocks.me lately which led me to this. Vinyl copy arrived last week...lush.

If you have 20mins to spare...



Down on the left!
My 3 year old is dictating a lot of what I’m listening to at the moment.
This song came on randomly a few weeks ago and my kid starts dancing around like a maniac. Wants to hear it on a daily basis.
Seems she like the pogues and the RumJscks as well!

Mr Crudley

Glock in your sock
Granted she has a good voice and all.

That genre of moany white girl folk music-esque that seems to pop up more and more pushes me to consider self harm with a large bottle of whisky in a 454 Chevy with no brakes and no seatbelt. I must need retraining again.


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discovering bands/music which i've kinda been searching for for many years and didnt know existed until the past few weeks (thanks to youtube/google music)
egypt and elder have been on high rotation:

Nerf Herder

Wheel size expert
If you haven’t already found this guy and his series ... it’s pretty awesome.

I’m by no means a music guru ... but he really shows the complexity and brilliance of the song writers and musicians... even if they themselves didn’t know or understand the complexity they were creating.

This Nirvana one in particular gives me more respect for the trio ... but there are some really good analytics in his series. Makes you hear so much more IMO.

RIP Cobain.