What did you do TO / WITH / FOR your bike today!

I shit a hope freehub on track one at Alex @Jpez - I replaced the bearings before I left so they were ok but all of the pawls gave out. Queenstown is not Hope friendly. DT Swiss is much better catered for.
I shit a hope freehub on track one at Alex @Jpez - I replaced the bearings before I left so they were ok but all of the pawls gave out. Queenstown is not Hope friendly. DT Swiss is much better catered for.
Shame as Alex was amazing. Some super technical, steep and fast riding all through those crazy rock formations. Just gotta trust those pink dots! If you don’t and you go off line and find a locals line you’d be in a dicey situation as a lot you just can see what’s over or through the rocks, drops and chutes etc. The high speed gully run through the pine stand was ridiculous fun.
Trans TAS was a lot harder. Only 5 days but a lot more demanding. Maydena, Natural selection, all the EWS tracks at Derby. More chunk. I’m 51 and I have those moments where I think maybe I’m too old for this shit but there was a guy on this and also the Trans TAS race that is 66. He’s a mild mannered, slightly built English doctor. He rode better than some of the young bucks. Rode every bit of tek, sent every drop and jump. Also pedalled up hills more than ANY body else. Age. Pfft. It’s just a number. So I keep trying to tell myself.

You have a few (7) years on me. ;) In my younger years and doing some XC races (I know) the old blokes would fly by me. Crazy fit. Hope to do one of those races in the next few years - funds and fitness needed.
You have a few (7) years on me. ;) In my younger years and doing some XC races (I know) the old blokes would fly by me. Crazy fit. Hope to do one of those races in the next few years - funds and fitness needed.
Fitness definitely! Knowing what I got myself into this time around I trained a lot more. Even a bit of body weight strength training.
But main thing which I don’t seem to have the appetite for since I had a big crash a couple months before the last TNZ I’d booked in for is an appetite for blind racing. You can cruise it but you’re on the clock. You’re racing. You’re racing your class, mates, yourself.
After actually coming close to death I just haven’t got the same appetite for risk or racing. Let alone blind stage racing while exhausted from liaison climbs. I did pretty crap this year time wise and that was only me holding myself back. Not my fitness, bike or skills. Might be the last one I do if I can’t get my head straight.
I have already confessed for same.

Well fuckin lol. My teng wrench is the same. Rh only torque
wot a dumb khunt :D:D:D
Fitness definitely! Knowing what I got myself into this time around I trained a lot more. Even a bit of body weight strength training.
But main thing which I don’t seem to have the appetite for since I had a big crash a couple months before the last TNZ I’d booked in for is an appetite for blind racing. You can cruise it but you’re on the clock. You’re racing. You’re racing your class, mates, yourself.
After actually coming close to death I just haven’t got the same appetite for risk or racing. Let alone blind stage racing while exhausted from liaison climbs. I did pretty crap this year time wise and that was only me holding myself back. Not my fitness, bike or skills. Might be the last one I do if I can’t get my head straight.

Definitely - the mental game is a big hurdle . I see it as a chance to ride trails I wouldn’t normally ride and to challenge myself but maybe a guided tour would be better. Due to work and family commitments 99% of my riding is crack of dawn solo rides for an hour or so - so would need to up the ante. Be a bit before I commit. Insert thinking music.
@frenchman i saw your groms next bike in Queenstown. 20” Clash.
Fitness definitely! Knowing what I got myself into this time around I trained a lot more. Even a bit of body weight strength training.
But main thing which I don’t seem to have the appetite for since I had a big crash a couple months before the last TNZ I’d booked in for is an appetite for blind racing. You can cruise it but you’re on the clock. You’re racing. You’re racing your class, mates, yourself.
After actually coming close to death I just haven’t got the same appetite for risk or racing. Let alone blind stage racing while exhausted from liaison climbs. I did pretty crap this year time wise and that was only me holding myself back. Not my fitness, bike or skills. Might be the last one I do if I can’t get my head straight.
Trans BC. Gotta finish what you’ve started mate. I’m not resting until I’ve done all three! (I wouldn’t mind actually finishing one lol).
Trans BC. Gotta finish what you’ve started mate. I’m not resting until I’ve done all three! (I wouldn’t mind actually finishing one lol).
The trifecta! 2k climbing days and so much tech gnar even @frenchman would allow me to stand around with my souvenir T-shirt and tell all my old geri mates how gnar I am or was!
Oh that’s right! You DNF’d in Tassie because of your crank explosion!
The UDH should have a warning on it. If you don't have a dual direction torque wrench, you are going to fuck this up, which probably 95% of us don't.
Reminder to check mine later...
I don't use SRAM, but the EXe has a UDH.
The UDH should have a warning on it. If you don't have a dual direction torque wrench, you are going to fuck this up, which probably 95% of us don't.
Laser etched “LEFTY TIGHTY NOT LOOSEY” somewhere.

What a prick of a thing. Fuck sram
Laser etched “LEFTY TIGHTY NOT LOOSEY” somewhere.

What a prick of a thing. Fuck sram

It's us half prepared dudes that fuck up, yeah lefty I know, yeah I got a torque wrench, all greased, all prepped, 25 newton-what-the-fuck.
If I was guessing 25 in the direction the UDH says, I would probably have been ok.

Wonder did the SRAM Engineers have a chat about most torque wrenches sold for bike use not doing lefty o_O
Well fuckin lol. My teng wrench is the same. Rh only torque
wot a dumb khunt :D:D:D
Nooo.. Teng are reversible :) ish
