What does your day look like?


Mr Greenfield
So I am putting in drainagevbeside the driveway. Ripper on the tractor 3pl makes the digging much easier but still some effort to remove the spoil, dig in the sumps and lay the pipe.

As a golfer I appreciate a good divot, sign of a good wedge shot for example. Driving the tractor 60m with the ripper not fully up? Not such a gratifying thing.
Crossed a paved surface too?

pink poodle

Just plain old supermarket. I saw fillet de cheval in the butchery window of a local supermarket when I was working over there a few years back.
So easy to get. A chef I worked with moved here from Perth and had worked with horse meat. It was not a particularly popular menu item in his experience.

I've only had it raw with various dip ins (garlic, ginger, horse radish, wasabi, soy...). I'm not able to imagine it prepared in a European style. I'll need to sample it I think.