You know you're a cyclist when...


Likes Dirt
When you try and tell non bike people that Summer at Whistler is heaps better then Winter.
Yeah that sort of thing has happened to me with both thredbo and mt buller, it's funny because i don't know what to say to them, i just stare and tell them i ride bikes... they still don't understand.

Then maybe tell them that i am actually aware that there will be no snow there.


Eats Squid
When you walk past a bike shop and your four year old daughter says "Aww Dad, check out that fixie!"

(She thinks all cool looking bikes are 'fixies' :) )


Likes Dirt
When you get told you're going to Basic Training for the Air Force and the first thing you think of is "How much time will I have to ride my bike, can I bring it with me, and where are some good riding spots down near Wagga?"


Likes Dirt

Or when you eye out lines through school. "If dropped those stairs, turned that table into a kicker onto that wall, you could then ride it like a skinny and tranny down to that ramp.

Or when as you are walking up a hill you feel your thumb try to shift down, or you "tap" the breaks coming corners into as you are walking.

Or, you walk with your arms like they are holding bars, drifting corners, whipping down stairs linking your way from english to science much to everyone else's amusement.
YES YES YES YES YES everyday its awesome.:cool:


Likes Dirt
When you read through this whole thread and notice you do nearly everything people have pointed out....


Clever... and hetrosexual!
When you think about winning the lotto... or coming into a large sum of money, I imagine buying a bike for every discipline, buying a big property (in Switzerland preferably) with loads of land on a nice big hill. The house will be near mountain bike facility's if i get bored with my tracks. and invest the rest of my money wisely so I can live this lifestyle.


Likes Bikes
when you first make contact with the world in the mornings and the first thing that is asked was "how was your ride?"
When you know your mates bike better than he does.

You can diagnose a problem on said bike without seeing or hearing it.

Nobody knows your name. Your known as "The Bike Guy" and everyone thinks your uber mysterious because of it.

You talk freely about tweaking nipples and lubing up without fear of embarassment.

When you hear the name Magda Szubanski you instantly want to punch something.

You sketch bikes in the note lines in your workbooks.

Every time you hear "Your chains flat" and "Your wheels are turning" a little part of you dies.


Likes Bikes
haha this thread is great! heres how i know

- when your the only girl you know who sacfificed a dresser and a mirror so you can fit your 4 bikes in your room

-when everything you sit on you imagine having wheels

- when you actually considered for a second riding to the formal (somehow...??)

- when you are so stingy with your friends like 'i cant afford coffee' but will happily go and buy a $50 tyre every couple of weeks

- you dont laugh when someone says 'lube'

-when you realise you are more confident driving becuase you learnt the road rules on your bike


Eats Squid
When you are genuinely stoked that your birthday present is a set of digital scales that measures in tenths of a gram for weighing your bike bits.

When you get up at 3am and your partner asks "Where are you going"? and you reply "Just going for a ride, I'll see you around lunch time" as if that's just normal behavior.

Or when your family is going for weekend camping and you say "I'll head out on the bike a few hours before you and meet you there".

Or just last night I was asked if I could design my own cologne what would it smell like, and my first thought was 'Bike shop smell'

When you think 'Love Channel' means an ergonomic design characteristic in a saddle.
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Norco Maniac

Is back!
from a woman's perspective:

1. when the Norco in your life is more important than dating, and you've been single 5 years.

2. when you'll spent $300 on bike bits you don't really need and cut your own hair.

3. when a gf mentions "shoes" and you think "shimano"

4. when your bedroom decor includes your bike.

5. when a man asks you on a date and you tell him you'll be on the track at 3pm, see you there.

6. when you wonder whether to cut your bum-length hair to fit under your helmet better.

7. when you bookmark Rotorburn and check it while having your morning coffee.

8. when you need a new set of tights and they aren't pantyhose.

9. when you'll spend more on your racing jersey than you would on your dress for a date.

10. when you lust after utes because you can pack a 20" and a 24" cruiser in it.

oh and 11. when your "other ride" is your boyfriend. (sadly, he left me for a giggly bimbo with a pushup bra and fake nails..his loss.)
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Likes Dirt
So many reasons, most of which are already in this thread, much to my amusement. Though here's a few for me right now:

- When you're pissed with customs for holding up your shipment - not because it means you have to pay duty, but because it's a week before you'll finish the build you're working on.

- When you use the knowledge you've gained while studying medicine to predict the injurious outcome of other people's crashes.

- When you realise that riding DH and studying med is probably going to mean that, sooner or later, you're going experience both sides of emergency room treatment.

- When you've ignored medical advice to go riding.
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