You know you're a cyclist when...


Likes Dirt
When you have 4 bikes in your bedroom, 4 helmets scattered around the house...not to mention tubes, tools floor pumps frames, forks wheels etc. When you work in a bike shop and never get a chance to ride anything other than the road bike to and from work.


pesky scooter kids git off ma lawn
When you consult "Baby Name" websites and deeply consider the pros and cons and connotations associated with naming your next bike.

Golf Pro

Likes Dirt
You Know you are a Cyclist when you drive a Bus as I do as a Full time job. While I am driving the Bus I take up both lanes so no other driver gets to close to cyclist when they are near my bus, I become like a 12 Ton Sheild for my fellow cyclist;)

Golf Pro

Likes Dirt
Oh and while on this Protect my fellow Cyclist thing I thought I would tell you a quick story.
Last Sunday I was picking up some customers in the Bus at Seaworld and it was very very busy, If anyone knows how so many cyclist ride out to the spit here.
Well there was 4 Cyclist riding infront of me and I was sitting behind them and one of the customers standing near the front said " I wish these fuckers would get off the fucking road what do they think it is the Tour DE Fucken France" Well as I was approaching his stop I braked hard and he almost went out the front window and I said
" Man lucky your where holding on tighter than the bum cheeks to the seats of the cyclist we just passed"


Cycle Solutions
when it takes you hours of riding your dirtbike before you finally have your feet in the centre of the foot pegs instead of offset like on a pushie!


when you go to bed at night thinking about the days ride and awesome trails and before you know it you have been in bed for 2 hours and your still not asleep.

also when your mind makes you think you heard a noise in the garage in the middle of the night just so you can get up and look at the bike again before you go to sleep. :p - happened to me last night haha.

Nerf Herder

Wheel size expert
when sitting in a cave with 2 other grown men, whilst its pissing down outside seems like just another normal day on the trails ... and all the more intimate when one is ripping canvas every couple of seconds.

Baked beans are musical fruit, baked beans in gaseous form makes you spew just a little in the mouth when confined in small spaces :eek: way too much protein in your diet Nath ... wah wah wah


Likes Bikes and Dirt
When you have a radio on at work and during a news report you manage to pick out the words 'mountain biking' without even listening to the low-volume background-noise radio


Eats Squid
You know you're a cyclist when you think that ^^^^ 's the most awesome thing you've seen in ages!