The gaming thread

Jumped back into Far Cry 4 while waiting for the new one to come out. I'm hoping 5 will be quite different to 4, as 4 still feels a lot like 3 on a new map. Still good though - has some great moments, and love the sheer crazy that you can get yourself into with explosives and random bear attacks etc.

I liked 3 never played 4 tho.
Hanging for 5 next month
Far Cry 5 is out. Reviews are mixed, but overall seems worth getting!

Still going on 4 - about halfway through. Its a great game to jump in for an hour and just cause mayhem... keep forgetting to do quests.
Far Cry 5 is out. Reviews are mixed, but overall seems worth getting!

I really like the Far Cry series - only real decent single player story mode game out here imo. Primal was a total cock up though. It's amazing how developers can actually forget that basics - people want to blow and shoot stuff with high powered stuff! It's not hard.

This new edition will at least be going back to basics. The reviews seem to say optimisation is decent as well which means I can keep holding off until the stupi crypto stuff blows away and GPUs come back to earth.
Far Cry 5 is out. Reviews are mixed, but overall seems worth getting!

Still going on 4 - about halfway through. Its a great game to jump in for an hour and just cause mayhem... keep forgetting to do quests.

I'd never paid attention to the Far Cry games but thought 5 looked interesting when it was announced. I grabbed Far Cry 4 cheap and played a few hours of it and while I can see the attraction to it, I gave up, wasn't my thing. I am still interested in Far Cry 5 though and am keen to hear people's thoughts on it.

You know, this has been bugging the shit out of me; I'm in a gaming lull and can't find myself overly satisfied with any of the new stuff coming out. I've started playing Batman Arkham Knight on the Knightmare difficulty because it is so damn good, I've put tons of time into the Skyrim remaster and of course my driving sims but I'm really not into anything on the horizon. Days Gone looks good, I'm excited for The Last of Us 2 but nothing else seems to grab me.
Any suggestions for a great single player game that isn't too sci fi and not a generic shooter like Battlefield, Call of Duty etc? I loved Ghost Recon but got over the repetition, I enjoyed The Division but it also became repetitive, I I adored Shadow of Mordor but the new sequel is dull and less lively that the first.
Any suggestions lads? Something I'm missing?
Did you play the new Wolfensteins? They are pretty linear, but satisfying and not too repetitive (well, besides the endless killing of nazis). I'm still to play the 2nd one.

I would recommend Prey otherwise, but thats VERY sci-fi - but probably one of the best games that isn't Fallout or Skyrim in recent years.

But Im only recommended the two games I've played recently because I only get through around 3 a year these days.

Another one thats caught my eye is Observer:

Did you play the new Wolfensteins? They are pretty linear, but satisfying and not too repetitive (well, besides the endless killing of nazis). I'm still to play the 2nd one.

I would recommend Prey otherwise, but thats VERY sci-fi - but probably one of the best games that isn't Fallout or Skyrim in recent years.

But Im only recommended the two games I've played recently because I only get through around 3 a year these days.

Another one thats caught my eye is Observer:

Another vote for Prey here. suggests you get towards certain locations for quests but doesn't always join the dots for you and lead you completely by the hand like some games will. There are usually several ways to pass a barrier, open a door, defeat an enemy etc. anything could be the nasty pasties coming to eat your brain. esp in the early to mid game. sometimes the only answer is to run like buggery, and pray you find enough resources to keep going.

Observer looks creepy. Is that Rutger Hauer? or a very close likeness of him?
Thanks chaps, I reckon I might look into Prey, I remember the hype when it came out so yeah, that may fill a void!
I'm gonna grab Observer too, that looks cool!
I'd never paid attention to the Far Cry games but thought 5 looked interesting when it was announced. I grabbed Far Cry 4 cheap and played a few hours of it and while I can see the attraction to it, I gave up, wasn't my thing. I am still interested in Far Cry 5 though and am keen to hear people's thoughts on it.

You know, this has been bugging the shit out of me; I'm in a gaming lull and can't find myself overly satisfied with any of the new stuff coming out. I've started playing Batman Arkham Knight on the Knightmare difficulty because it is so damn good, I've put tons of time into the Skyrim remaster and of course my driving sims but I'm really not into anything on the horizon. Days Gone looks good, I'm excited for The Last of Us 2 but nothing else seems to grab me.
Any suggestions for a great single player game that isn't too sci fi and not a generic shooter like Battlefield, Call of Duty etc? I loved Ghost Recon but got over the repetition, I enjoyed The Division but it also became repetitive, I I adored Shadow of Mordor but the new sequel is dull and less lively that the first.
Any suggestions lads? Something I'm missing?

I had a quick look at the latest Assassins Creed (the one in Egypt) and it's not too bad for a single player focussed game.

But I've got fk all xbox time to go around at the moment and it all goes to Fortnite. Havent played a game that I have enjoyed this much in a while
I'm about a third (by area) of the way through Far Cry 5 and enjoying it so far. Story is great and it is a true open world with minimal direction, so you can choose what you get up too (1hr fly fishing? WTF?). Tried Far Cry Primal, didn't finish it as throwing spears wasn't interesting. Wife & son finished the latest assassins creed, I started but they ended up hogging all the screen time. Again good story line. There is Metro which is due out later this year which looks interesting
I grabbed Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Pain when it was on Playstation Plus a while back and loaded it up last week and it is most certainly fixing my gaming lull! It's bloody great, I've always really enjoyed Metal Gear Solid but not so much the waaaaaaaaay too far out stuff Kojima has come up with of late. As for the gameplay, it's top notch.
I also got the Thrustmaster Bluetooth LED display for my racing games ( It's unreal, it has shift lights, gear indicator, lap time, speed etc and some games allow it to be toggled to show other numbered items. It's $270, a little steep but if you're into it, get one. ;)
Annnnndddddd...... I'm Baaaaaacccckkkkkkk

Convinced the missus to let me buy a PS4 Pro last night. Got the JB Hi-Fi special they had where you get Gods of War with it for $529. I watch a bit of Twitch and Tyler1 did a playthrough 26hr stream on the weekend and the game looked awesome I just wanted to play so badly.
2.5hrs in since last night its good especially if you look at it as you are the helper in a story being told. Getting used to buttons on a console is a bit of learning curve (always was a PC gamer until the last few years). A few missed clicks lead to a swift end for me on a few occasions.
Finally finished my racing pod a couple of weekends ago. I'm running a G27 with inverted pedals and a seat from a BMW. It took me over a year and cost at least $300. Turns out painting with rattle cans isn't cheap. If you want to spend time racing rather than building get something prebuilt from the likes of Playseat.

I'm borrowing an Oculus Rift from a friend and have been cutting laps in Project Cars 2. It's good fun although my old 680 doesn't really meet the minimum specs for VR. I'd like a new GPU but the damn crypto jerks have kept prices high and nVidia haven't released anything for two years.




