What does your day look like?

You can stop fretting. The photo makes the situation look waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than it was :p

Building was stepped. Surrounded by deep balconies. And I was nowhere near a trip hazard edge.

I've got a white card...
<2m? Who gave you your white card? Did he have a white stick too?
Ok. Point taken.
Some rules are silly, for example I had to remove a crane operator at one site because he only placed three of those little plastic chocks under the 2.5m high tracks of an 800t crawler crane because that was a safety breach despite that crane being unable to roll away and if powered it could climb over a hilux. But that rule, that safety at heights rule, that one saves lives. You get distracted or stung by a wasp and in a moment you are over the edge. I lost a colleague who bumped his head on an object and he forgot where he was and wandered over the edge. Stay safe.
My old man worked in printing and prepress back before everything went digital. I used to love watching the presses and operating the guillotine as a 10 year old #ohs
Wow! Can you still count to 21? :p

I'm on a modern press now, I but I learnt on a press that you could wipe the hickeys off the plate on the run. Not to mention the gripper bars. Retail peeps couldn't work out why I laughed at them.

And THEN there are the Plattens! o_O
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Wow! Can you still count to 21? :p

I'm on a modern press now, I but I learnt on a press that you could wipe the hickeys off the plate on the run. Not to mention four the gripper bars. Retail peeps couldn't work out why I laughed at them.

And THEN there are the Plattens! o_O
My first real job while at uni had a large workshop with a steam powered forging press, no real guards and a single control. It wasn't used. I was curious because it took up a lot of space and thought it might have been some sort of history thing. I was told that a young operator had forged his arm some 5 or 6 years before and the company were not allowed to remove it until the legal matter was finalised. Thankfully they had no intention on modifying it to use it after the accident.
Wow! Can you still count to 21?

I'm on a modern press now, I but I learnt on a press that you could wipe the hickeys off the plate on the run. Not to mention the gripper bars. Retail peeps couldn't work out why I laughed at them.

And THEN there are the Plattens! o_O
Yep, can still count. The guillotine was operated by holding a pedal down with your foot, then pressing two buttons that were very far apart. OH&S would've been appalled, but I was taught how to use it properly and had to observe for many months before I was allowed to have a go.

Pretty cool slicing through a 20cm high stack of paper.

I loved the dark room and plate making process most though. I think it's probably why I still enjoy using film cameras.
Is one of the guys on that beam holding a whiskey bottle?

i did work experience in a printing shop. It was quite interesting.
My dad was a web offset printer. He got me work on school holidays once i was old enough. Good money but damn hard work for a teenager. Stacking papers into the collator, bailing papers, stacking pallets and shuffling pallets to the loading dock. so much fast moving choppy crushy machinery. Getting first look at the trading post in the 80s was a bonus though.
My dad was a web offset printer. He got me work on school holidays once i was old enough. Good money but damn hard work for a teenager. Stacking papers into the collator, bailing papers, stacking pallets and shuffling pallets to the loading dock. so much fast moving choppy crushy machinery. Getting first look at the trading post in the 80s was a bonus though.
Last job I had before we moved here was an Ink Tech, got to spend one night a month taking measurements and observing the guys print The Advertiser and The Australian in Adelaide. That was pretty cool.
Pretty cool slicing through a 20cm high stack of paper.

And the lack of effort required to do it is slightly scary.

I loved the dark room and plate making process most though. I think it's probably why I still enjoy using film cameras.
Where I did my apprenticeship used film, very cool process. They also had one of the very few operational Linotype machines, the ones that cast molten lead slugs.

Here's a Platten in motion

More than a few printers have scars on their foreheads from those gripper bars
And the lack of effort required to do it is slightly scary.

Where I did my apprenticeship used film, very cool process. They also had one of the very few operational Linotype machines, the ones that cast molten lead slugs.

Here's a Platten in motion

More than a few printers have scars on their foreheads from those gripper bars
That's farrken cool.

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fuck the unions, we have laws now to protect people!
eureka stockade spruiking good for nothing standover cunts, try working for a living instead of having site bbq's and handing out stickers!
Fuck you and your greedy conservative mates fat boy. If it wasn't for the unions there would be no workplace safety and we would all be working Saturdays as part of our god knows how many hours a week. Stop getting your opinions from Murdoch.
You and SC Black should be blown up.