2010 Angry Doctor


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Hey aroc - any update on whether the race is on?

90kmh winds will make it super fast in one direction ... Not so much in the other :)


2HR postponement

I'm not AROC but have just come from Event HQ.
For those that aren't aware south coast was hit by very strong winds last night, which continue this morning. HQ looks like a hurricane hit it.

Event has been postponed 2HRS while cleanup is done and conditions assessed. A decision will be made before then on whether to shorten/postpone further or cancel.

Late rego -> 07:45
Race start -> 09:00

There is lots of debris and fallen branches on roads (particularly Tomakin Rd) so be careful.
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Likes Dirt
AROCSport " We are searching for a safe route. We are hoping to run a short course for all riders. This will Galen if the wind continues to drop. If we start it, the start will be at 12.30. We will give a definate anouncement 10.30"


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Kinda makes me glad I missed out on a race entry for this year. Fingers crossed my first highland fling in November will have better weather!


Likes Dirt
Do does this mean that the rocky trail entertainment curse has become the aroc curse? Sucks for everyone involved...


Likes Dirt
Terrible event coordination. Aroc: never again.
I'm with you. It was clear from the first thing this morning that all they were interested in was not refunding / cancelling.
Kinda similar to their attitude with Cap Punishment.

I'm extremely disappointed that they were not strong enough to make a decision at 6am this morning. Expecting people to wait until 10.30 in a field, on the off-chance there may be some sort of event, is just not good event management.


Likes Dirt
ok a few points
bad luck that a crazy storm hit the area last nite, and it was pretty clear it was going to be unrideable conditions, i had to go off road in my car to avoid massive fallen trees crossing the road on the way to the event this morning, the wind was amazingly strong.
aroc make us wait from 630am on a freezing cold oval till 915 this morning before telling us there will be a 20 klm course possibly to ride at 1230lunchtime, to which someone in the crowd yells out what if we want a refund, to which aroc replied no refunds will be given. now i know its not arocs fault the course got destroyed but I/we paid good money to enter a 100klm amazing singletrack not some ammended 20klm fireorad, thats not what i paid to enter, aroc have a duty to provide to as damm near as what we paid for, and in the event of it not being possible to happen there should be a contingency in place and a 20 klm fireroad loop isnt a good enough backup or substitiute, i didnt pay good money nor drive from sydney for some 20 klm fireroad track. Surely aroc are insured for this kind of thing, i know itll be damm near impossible to get a refund but ill quite happily take a free entry to next years angry doctor, and il be writing to aroc to ask for it, if not dept of fair trade or whoever the relevant body may get a call


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Good luck with your attempt of a refund

Off the angry doc website

If you can't find anyone to replace you and would prefer a refund of your entry fee we are able to provide:

1.Full refund less $30 administration fee if you advise us before 10 July 2010.

2.50% refund if you advise us between 10 July 2010 and 10 August 2010.

3.No monetary refund if you let us know after 10 August 2010.

Should the event be cancelled for any reason no refunds will be made.

At the end of the day its not AROC's fault the storm hit. They probably should have pulled the pin on it at 9am but instead they where I guess trying to give riders a chance to have a little fun & a small taste of what they came for.
I made my decision last night after I saw the state of the bikes returning from the prologue. I enjoy a few extra beers with dinner last night.
Bring on the Grape Crusher in Orange please no rain



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maybe renamed Angry Riders

They can't just ignore you guys and give you nothing in return, some of you bought your entries months and months ago and they have had access to all that money now for a long time. maybe boycott the company's future events.
or write to all the event sponsors and advise them that you won't buy their products in future.
consumer pressure dose help to change companies attitudes
what other events do they run??

my view is while it is not their fault the storms came they should show some good will towards the many riders that paid a large entry fee months in advance.


Likes Dirt
Terrible event coordination. Aroc: never again.
The previous 3 have all been first class, do you think, maybe ...err this is a long shot, but the gale had something to do with it?

Half the SES volunteers were probably busy anyway. I don't know if the 20km loop ever got a run but I don't like the idea of being hit by falling debris so when the wind had not abated by late morning I left, it was never assured and it wasn't looking too hopeful.

For those whining about expectations of a refund; FFS, read your conditions of entry, if it says no refund if the event is cancelled that is what it means, if you don't like it, don't buy it. I hate hearing people whinge about this kind of thing when it happens and it does happen. You are basically saying you are an idiot that can't weigh up the risks and make a proper decision. See that guy in the mirror? (S)He's the guy that decided to enter and risk your money. Not happy with him/her? Give yourself an uppercut!

Insurance cover for events usually excludes inclement weather which means all the money for event equipment hire, organisation and management has already been spent and the organisers can't get any of that back. Try putting yourself in the shoes of the organisers. But when you want your money back none of this matters eh? Give yourself another uppercut then! You should have given the conditions of entry more serious consideration. You'll probably buy a Knebel kitchen too and be unhappy with it.


Likes Dirt
Good luck with your attempt of a refund

Should the event be cancelled for any reason no refunds will be made.

I would love that tested at small claims court.
Just coz they put it in, doesnt mean it is 'reasonable' in the eyes of the law.

I wonder if they shared the prize money pool out? Or was that more profit?

To be clear - weather is not their fault. It happens. Husky - postponed, great event. RTE races - good contingency plans for weather, and never afraid to make a tough decision.

AROC - no decision. Same as the CP race.


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please correct me if im wrong but by my calculations if the event was sold out, which it was? for the 50km and 100km race fees would have worked out to about
$150 000 and thats not including the prolouge fees on saturday. Where does all that money go and why is there no room for any sort of refund, even if it is not full?
feeling very dissapointed and slightly ripped off.


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The previous 3 have all been first class, do you think, maybe ...err this is a long shot, but the gale had something to do with it?

Half the SES volunteers were probably busy anyway. I don't know if the 20km loop ever got a run but I don't like the idea of being hit by falling debris so when the wind had not abated by late morning I left, it was never assured and it wasn't looking too hopeful.

For those whining about expectations of a refund; FFS, read your conditions of entry, if it says no refund if the event is cancelled that is what it means, if you don't like it, don't buy it. I hate hearing people whinge about this kind of thing when it happens and it does happen. You are basically saying you are an idiot that can't weigh up the risks and make a proper decision. See that guy in the mirror? (S)He's the guy that decided to enter and risk your money. Not happy with him/her? Give yourself an uppercut!

Insurance cover for events usually excludes inclement weather which means all the money for event equipment hire, organisation and management has already been spent and the organisers can't get any of that back. Try putting yourself in the shoes of the organisers. But when you want your money back none of this matters eh? Give yourself another uppercut then! You should have given the conditions of entry more serious consideration. You'll probably buy a Knebel kitchen too and be unhappy with it.
Beat me to it Slowman.
We tried to go for a ride at Ulladulla on the way home, (we left at 10) and if the Mogo tracks were half as bad then the right call was made. Yeh, I'm pissed off that I lost a weekend away from the family and got nothin to show for it, but i hardly think that's the organiser's fault.
I actually thought the fact that AROC was still trying to run a race of some sort would help the "where's my refund" crap that's already started but obviously not.
Shit happens guys, get over it!


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I'm with the Slowman :cool:,

Its fairly common for race fees not to be refunded due to the race being cancelled for extraordinary events. Ironman man New Zealand was cancelled a few years ago for similar reasons and was run as a half the distance short duathlon instead. They didn't refund you if you decided not to continue. Their race entry was roughly $6-700. The thing is all of these costs wether the race was put on or not are already sunk costs. Meanining the money is already spent, yeh there is profit but I don't begrudge them that.

Now those calling for their money back need to think about it. Lets say you could get your money back. What do you think the race organiser would have to do to ensure that over the average of the years they covered their risk that this would happen to them? Thats right they would have to charge you more every year to cover the potential loss in the one year that might end up like this. Then in the short term you might be happy, but end up paying an additional $50-100 entry every year to cover the risk to the organiser that they may suffer significant losses for one event. The if that doesn't happen, its a windfall to them.

As for their organising. They seemed to be trying really hard to put something on for their customers despite the conditions. What they did today was a good call. They gave it as much opportunity as possible to still go ahead before making a sensisble and informed decision.

There would be no one more dissapointed than Alina and Co from AROC. Like she said they swept the entire 100km of the course only to have their work destroyed overnight. Gee those guys have been dealt some pretty tough cards this year, but should come out of it a better team for running these types of events.

Perhaps a good idea would be to offer "preferred entry" for dissapointed customers from this year for next years race. I for one am very dissapointed the weather stopped us, but love this race and will be back next year.

I have no affiliation with the organisers of this race, but do apprecitiate their position. Where some can't see past their own dissapointment.
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