a few pics from today

look at that shiny new helmet lol


  • 10914906_10153089176767265_6557939392624755016_o.jpg
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Jeez butch your daughter has gotten better at taking photos since your first ones, nice shot, little flick of the rest brake to throw some roost
Jeez butch your daughter has gotten better at taking photos since your first ones, nice shot, little flick of the rest brake to throw some roost

she took this one with my dslr the difference between the other day she just used the phone lol
she was a tad late on the button i was just going to crank out of the roost. you with notice my left foot came off as i went to crank hard out wich really put me in a bad position for the next turn
yeah, you really want to pay attention to your drive train, the kind of lube you're using and how much of it is getting caught up in your chain/cassette/RD/chainring as it will eat your kit away just like having your drive train clogged with mud.
yeah, you really want to pay attention to your drive train, the kind of lube you're using and how much of it is getting caught up in your chain/cassette/RD/chainring as it will eat your kit away just like having your drive train clogged with mud.

whats the best thing to use on the chain when things are dusty ? would chain wax be better than a wet lube ?
whats the best thing to use on the chain when things are dusty ? would chain wax be better than a wet lube ?

You'll get plenty of different opinions, but I like rock n roll gold. Use the search function and you should find a thread, I'm sure there has been a discussion on this before
Sick helmet!
Good to see you stuck around after 14 pages of flaming

Just make sure you wipe all excess lube off before riding and a good clean of the chain afterwards
+1 for RnR gold. Great stuff but doesn't last long, needs to be re-applied every 2nd or 3rd ride. Keeps a clean drivetrain.
That's like saying its always in the last place you look. The last crash you have is the one that messes you up.

Please tell me your trolling and this is not real.

I bet this guy feels great after not wearing one.


I actually meant this guy a few months back. still to this day him and his mates talk about his crash hahaa