Eats Squid
Some compression plugs just aren't that good and will slip even with carbon paste etc. Especiall the ones that have multiple segments across the legngth. A steerer tube that has an out of round internal surface doesn't help.Welll, bugger, things not as hunky dory as first expected. After my maiden commute on the fork, 25km each way, by the time I got home there was a knockin' and a rockin' in the setup.
Did the usual things, expecting that everything had just settled in, but the the quick nip up of the top cap didn't resovle the issue. The expansion plug just wasn't holding in the steerer tube, even up to 8nm tightening. Did a full disassemble of it, all looks good, then figured I'd try another I had on hand from the previous fork, a circa 2010 Neco expander.
Hmmmm, the Neco doesn't want to go in. the lip of the lower compression nut is catching on something. Stick my finger in the fork and have a feel around, hmmm, no wonder the other compression plug wasn't holding, there's 3 prominent ridges/lips of carbon left over from the moulding, running vertically all the way down the steerer length. Hard to see in the photos, but they do indeed go all the way down as far as I can see. Thankfully they're 100% not cracks, but certainly a quick finishing process was done.
Currently in messaging with the Ali seller to see what their thoughts are before I try to get a tube of some fine grint sandpaper in there. If that's what has to happen, I'll be OK with that, but I'm interested to see their thoughts first.
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I have tried a few and the grippiest one I found is this one: https://dedaelementi.com/expander-70