Best T.V show ever!!!

An old one, but a great show… Frontline. Pinnacle of Australian satire.
Has anyone seen Aaron Sorkin's new show, The Newsroom? I first saw the trailer a couple of months ago, and damn it got me excited. Nobody can touch Aaron Sorkin's writing when he's passionate about something, and goddamn is he passionate about this. I know reviews have been mixed, but to hell with reviews, the show is flat out balls to the wall brilliant. Even better than I was expecting, and my expectations were damn high.
That show makes it impossible to ever take A Current Affair/Today Tonight seriously again.
Naomi Robson did a great job doing a female imitation of Mike Moore, unfortunately for her, she wasn't acting.
Has anyone seen Aaron Sorkin's new show, The Newsroom? I first saw the trailer a couple of months ago, and damn it got me excited. Nobody can touch Aaron Sorkin's writing when he's passionate about something, and goddamn is he passionate about this. I know reviews have been mixed, but to hell with reviews, the show is flat out balls to the wall brilliant. Even better than I was expecting, and my expectations were damn high.

I haven't yet but I'm up to season 5 in West Wing now and will be needing something to fill the massive White-House sized hole in my TV schedule once I've finished the lot. Newsroom couldn't have come along at a better time!
Just started the First season of Board Walk Empire, I've only watched the first ep so far, and was blown away, Steve Buscemi brings it, and its hard to not like anything that's directed by Scorseses. The first episode has definitely set the bar for the rest of the season, pumped to see how it goes.
About halfway through the 2nd Series of Dexter. Thoroughly enjoying the dark, witty and underlying humour in most of his commentary.
if you think Game of Thrones is cool then read the BOOKS !! the show is top but the books are just so much more...
You can't see boobs giggling in a book...

While I liked the first book and you do at times get a better insight into the minds of the characters I thought the books were pretty ordinary , more so as the series progressed. I'm liking the diversions the TV show is taking. Plus there are boobs...
The Newsroom

Has anyone seen Aaron Sorkin's new show, The Newsroom? I first saw the trailer a couple of months ago, and damn it got me excited. Nobody can touch Aaron Sorkin's writing when he's passionate about something, and goddamn is he passionate about this. I know reviews have been mixed, but to hell with reviews, the show is flat out balls to the wall brilliant. Even better than I was expecting, and my expectations were damn high.

How did you find episode 2 Spike?
Assuming you've watched it of course.
Okay, still putting my thoughts together on episode 2.

Last week Sorkin showed an extremely competent team being extremely competent and doing some amazing things. This week he showed an extremely competent team fucking up big time. He exposed some personality quirks that, if allowed to grow unchecked, will end up becoming extremely annoying. But we'll wait and see.


Now that Will is 100% on board, it will be interesting to see where the show goes from here. I think they need to tone McKenzie down just a tad; her dramatics this week were really straining the bounds of credibility. But the show's still very new, and they're all still finding their groove.

I read today that HBO have picked up the show for a second season, so that's good news.

and Season 5 of Breaking Bad looks like its shaping up to be just as tense as ever.
Season 5 of Breaking Bad looks like its shaping up to be just as tense as ever.

I wanted to wait until the season (the first part, anyway) was over so I could watch them continuously. Needless to say, the last episode aired a couple of days ago and I nabbed the lot up in the usual manner. Well, I'll be farked if I see another tv show that good in a while. The last couple of episodes were definately on the edge kind of stuff and the last minute of the final episode... Let's just say "Daaaaaaayum!" For those who have seen the first 4 seasons and are yet to watch the fifth, get onto it. And anyone who is yet to watch any, you are well and truly missing out.

Has anyone else watched 'em all yet?
Walter White is an arsehole. and a f***ing idiot. OH and his wife still needs shooting.

Personally, I usually keep the local paper, AMB and a couple of Viz annuals in my bathroom for reading material. certainly nothing boring or incriminating!
Despite it's main character's foibles though, I love that show to bits and February can't come soon enough.

As for Newsroom, Aaron Sorkin is an c**t and I can't believe the retarded airy-fairy left-wing drivel he spouts gets confused for serious drama.

Having said that it's seriously f***ing addictive stuff though and I would totally bang that Sloan chick despite her being (along with all the other female characters) a complete 1950's stye giggly girly moron. Addictive but unhealthy. Actually when you think about it, Sorkin may be TV scripting's equivalent of Walter White...
As for Newsroom, Aaron Sorkin is an c**t and I can't believe the retarded airy-fairy left-wing drivel he spouts gets confused for serious drama.

Having said that it's seriously f***ing addictive stuff though and I would totally bang that Sloan chick despite her being (along with all the other female characters) a complete 1950's stye giggly girly moron. Addictive but unhealthy. Actually when you think about it, Sorkin may be TV scripting's equivalent of Walter White...

Giggly girly moron? What show are you watching?

While I'm still enjoying the Newsroom, I can certainly see that there are valid criticisms to be made of some aspects of the show (the whole Maggie/Don/Jim/Lisa thing is just giving me the shits now). I still enjoy it despite those things, though. We'll see if Season 2 manages to hold my enthusiasm.

Can't wait for the return of Dexter at the end of the month. The previews I've seen have me shivering with antici...............................................pation.

They're also making more Arrested Development, so I'd better pull me finger out and finish watching the first three seasons.
just finished season 1 of The Walking Dead. loved it.

also just finished the first and only season of Firefly. bummed. i loved the Space Opera/Western thing!