Cairns World Cup!!

Gotta say there were a few people out there today that made me wonder. Who the f$&ck takes a dog to the course off the lead and lets it run on the track. I literally saw a dog get flung off by a marshaller seconds before a rider came through! From their gear it looked like they were riders from my local club...
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Can someone up there take the chainsaw of that bloke in the off camber roots section and kick him in the nuts.... total idiot.
Gotta say there were a few people out there today that made me wonder. Who the f$&ck takes a dog to the course off the lead and lets it run on the track. I literally saw a dog get flung off by a marshaller seconds before a rider came through! From their gear it looked like they were riders from my local club...

There were half a dozen or so who brought their dogs...saw one litterally being dragged up the side of the rock garden by its neck, because it was still on a lead...some people...
There was more than 1 chainsaw body being used... and they were far from the loudest things on the hill today.
People do such retarded shit. For some reason DH events usually intensifies the idiot in people.
First up I'm no DH fan. But that was awesome. Why isn't DH an Olympic sport? If half pipe can get into the games, it's about time DH was. I ride XC but it's boring as watching paint dry for spectators. DH is far more spectacular to watch and you really don't need to be a fan to appreciate the speed and skill.
As for the spectator crashing in the whoops, I hope he will be ok. He may have been trying to do the right thing and felt the need to get to the bottom as fast as he could to clear the course. I wonder if he is a Burner???
It's just not right that someone spoiled a half hour of your afternoon by getting serious spinal injuries is it? Boo fucking hoo.

So you think i'm happy that the guy had to carried off the trail? Don't know how I gave you that impression. maybe you could combine sex and travel...
If Minnaar was disqualified on the grounds of gaining an advantage with his little off-course adventure at Alien, I don't agree with it.

The portion of the rule that talks about an advantage being perceived to be gained was removed in the 2014 revision of the rule. It is now very black and white that you have to re-enter the course where you leave the course.

Advantage is no longer considered.
I've just been pm'd by a commissaire from the race, asking me to ask you all to calm down over this spectator/rider injury incident, as there is apparently more to the story than it seems and it is currently being investigated.
Im just passing on a request, I know nothing more. Don't shoot the messenger.
I've just been pm'd by a commissaire from the race, asking me to ask you all to calm down over this spectator/rider injury incident, as there is apparently more to the story than it seems and it is currently being investigated.
Im just passing on a request, I know nothing more. Don't shoot the messenger.

Ahh okay.

Yeah I happen to agree, should really cool it and let the investigation do its thang.

For all we know, the spectator got permission from both the rider and officials to take it down.

Lets talk more about the race.

I knew this one was going to be a wild one, but didn't realise it was going to be this wild.
Lets hope it didn't deter riders from Aus, hopefully in two years we will have better luck. And in that time Australia will wake up to its self and create a few MTB parks, maybe somewhere close to a capital?
I've just been pm'd by a commissaire from the race, asking me to ask you all to calm down over this spectator/rider injury incident, as there is apparently more to the story than it seems and it is currently being investigated.
Im just passing on a request, I know nothing more. Don't shoot the messenger.

Was this commissioner on LSD?

I'd pm Bowlo before Moorey :party:
I don't think our mystery rider is in a good way. I'm hoping it's not true and he is ok.

what is the rumor?

I really hope someone follows up on how he is.
If you want to head over to pink bike you should read some of the comments on there, bloody filthy, people saying he deserved it and making jokes. its pretty pathetic some of the comments.