COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

No I just meant as far as we know Homo sapiens originated in the Rift Valley (i think ) part of Africa and “emigrated” our from there all over the place.
lol, that's what I was saying in just a more sweary way. The first Aussies came here tens (maybe over a hundred) thousand years ago, and we all apparently came out of Africa, or somewhere. Not sure where the AIDS bit came from, guess I was just getting into the while virus spirit of things.
Things getting all dramatical up in here tonight.

My day was a little stressful and COVID related so thought I might share.

Today work finally delivered us a sort-of plan. We're deemed an essential service (transport industry) so business is remaining open unless total mega lock-down comes into effect. Overtime ban to start immediately (obviously saw that one was coming, but still that alone means there goes probably 25% of my income), everyone will get minimum two days work a week, but hopefully more as long as there is the demand (will continue with a 5 day week for everyone for now and taper off various departments as demand reduces). We can use annual leave or take unpaid leave on the forced days off depending on what we prefer.

It is, in my opinion a fairly well measured and fair approach with a reasonable eye for long-term longevity of the business (and for staff being able to return to full-time employment easily when life resumes some normality again) - and a lot better than just getting sacked outright. Hopefully this virus doesn't hang around too long and I can ride it out as I have a lot of annual leave saved up for just such an emergency and currently we're still reasonably busy. Definitely better than mass redundancies business-wide (there's about 170 people in our branch alone) so kudos to the bosses for not just throwing a lot of people to the wolves.

So my plan for tomorrow afternoon's free time given I'll be finishing about 2 hours earlier than normal? (I've knocked off on time probably only 8 times in the last 4 years for reference)

Well, I'm going to go for a ride and be happy I'm not dead, dying or made totally redundant (yet). Thank fuck for all that, because I can only imagine what's it's like for people that have already lost or will lose their income/job/business, and don't really want to imagine the coming horror of what's going to happen in our hospitals. It feels pretty fakebook to say it, but really hoping a prevention or cure for this virus gets found quick-smart and everyone has a chance to just regroup and get on with normal life sooner rather than later, because if it's making me feel empathy for the general population - shit must be getting real.
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Laid off my workforce today.

Stood down is the official wording. Staff are forced to use annual leave and long service leave, gets them to about June. Then they are fucked. Not redundant, so no payout.

Highly likely I face the same fate tomorrow. I have 6 weeks of AL and LSL. Fuck fuck fuckety fuck
Laid off my workforce today.

Stood down is the official wording. Staff are forced to use annual leave and long service leave, gets them to about June. Then they are fucked. Not redundant, so no payout.

Highly likely I face the same fate tomorrow. I have 6 weeks of AL and LSL. Fuck fuck fuckety fuck
That sucks mate, bad enough having to give that news let alone know it's coming home soon. All the best.
Laid off my workforce today.

Stood down is the official wording. Staff are forced to use annual leave and long service leave, gets them to about June. Then they are fucked. Not redundant, so no payout.

Highly likely I face the same fate tomorrow. I have 6 weeks of AL and LSL. Fuck fuck fuckety fuck
Fek, how are the jobs not redundant/no longer required? Gotta fight that for sure.
Laid off my workforce today.

Stood down is the official wording. Staff are forced to use annual leave and long service leave, gets them to about June. Then they are fucked. Not redundant, so no payout.

Highly likely I face the same fate tomorrow. I have 6 weeks of AL and LSL. Fuck fuck fuckety fuck

That's no good mate, hope it all works out for you.
I'm very lucky to be able to work from home, and officially as of today 99% of our company are now at home for a min 6 weeks.
However my wife no longer has any work due to the closing of all gyms from today (casual). Not officially the end, but now just have to hope they actually open back up again after all this is over.
That escalated quickly. This message still resonates, so many years later, and in this current climate.

I'm curious how everyone else sees it but I feel like the younger generations are looking better on this front. My generation (gen X) and older not so much. Tampa one time I was ashamed to be Australian, lets hope we show better colours in this crisis
So tell me about Barbie...

Well I started collecting them a long time ago. I just thought to myself "yuck! Who wants to know I have toilet paper in the house?" I realised that if I hid the toilet paper under the ruffled flowing skirt of Barbie doll's ball gown it would be out of sight out of mind and no awkward for anybody.

Of course then your friends and family start to think you like Barbie dolls with ruffled flowing gowns and guess what you get for Christmas? at first you think it's funny and hang a few of them up around the bathroom which just fuels the enthusiasm of others for giving them.

So when I moved out of my last house I had quite a collection. Some store brought others hand made by aunties, grannies, and a few crafty friends. The husband and kids of one such friend helped me move all of my stuff into storage. Well I couldn't let them see me throw out such fine handy work could I? So the whole lot went I to storage as well. Eventually when I moved into this place the same team helped me out, mum even baked us a moving day cake! So now I have the large collection here with me, but mostly stuffed under the bathroom sink.

The one product that made the Lad laugh for not being there was.... tomato sauce. Every bottle...every brand (even the cheap off label shit)...gone. All that was left was three bottles of barbecue sauce.

This town has just 3000 people in it. I didn't think they liked the sauce that much!

Think this one through, you're a smart else are they going to be able to stomach eating all their toilet paper? A little squirt of the old Tom sauce and bang! You've got a fancy TP dinner...TP al la Drebin is what they're calling it.

No I just meant as far as we know Homo sapiens originated in the Rift Valley (i think ) part of Africa and “emigrated” our from there all over the place.

Fuck me for a man of science you really are out of touch. We are a
The result of genetic experimentation carried out aliens...keep up man!


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Thanks for the refresher on the melamine + milk + baby formula. While I was out riding Tha did cross my mind but I couldn't remember much about it. Was there also something about disposable nappies? Or is that bit just my imagination?
Any suggestions as to explaining social distancing to a 3 year old. My daughter is crushed by missing her friends. Do you still do parks with your kids? The local ones are very quiet at the moment but the risk is always that the funk is on the equipment - the shit lasts for days on some surfaces).
I'm curious how everyone else sees it but I feel like the younger generations are looking better on this front. My generation (gen X) and older not so much. Tampa one time I was ashamed to be Australian, lets hope we show better colours in this crisis

I think it depends what subculture or demographic you're exposed to. I've certainly been given very little reason for hope from the younger generations. Ignorance is still a very Australian trait.
I think it depends what subculture or demographic you're exposed to. I've certainly been given very little reason for hope from the younger generations. Ignorance is still a very Australian trait.
That's a shame, you're probably right though I grew up in a very blue collar suburb (often derided in Perth) and now live, not actually that far away but in what is probably a more sheltered socio-economic environment. While Pauline and Clive are racking up votes we still have some serious issues I guess I was hoping it was more their generation.
Having been stood down about 10 days ago and LWOP starting next month, I at least got a head start on the supermarket panic buy and future budgeting. Just got myself some new digging tools, so as Russell would say;

Any suggestions as to explaining social distancing to a 3 year old. My daughter is crushed by missing her friends. Do you still do parks with your kids? The local ones are very quiet at the moment but the risk is always that the funk is on the equipment - the shit lasts for days on some surfaces).
Go and get a foster dog for a month. She’ll forget about her friends and it’ll keep you busy cleaning up extra feces. Plus it’s a nice thing to do. the feces obviously.