Douche Listing of the Day - Post them here.

He also said “The only way that I can see to deploy this much financial resource is by converting my Amazon winnings into space travel. That is basically it.” I admire the honesty of the sheer inhumanity this quote displays. What would you do with $200bn? Cure diseases? End hunger? Eradicate poverty in an entire nation? Nah. Build a bunch of space rockets! I simply can’t see any other way to get all of these cumbersome gold bars out of my personal vault.

Source: Guardian.
Everything here being sold by the most epic douche on the planet.

"I want to thank every Amazon employee and every Amazon customer, 'cause you guys paid for all of this" - Jeff Bezos on his 10 minute flight in space...

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Bezos is such a douche. I read awile back he started $10 billion fund for "sustainable living". Turns out he's thrown the change from his car ashtray in and expects taxpayers to stump up the rest. This from a guy whose whole business model is built on over consumption.
He also said “The only way that I can see to deploy this much financial resource is by converting my Amazon winnings into space travel. That is basically it.” I admire the honesty of the sheer inhumanity this quote displays. What would you do with $200bn? Cure diseases? End hunger? Eradicate poverty in an entire nation? Nah. Build a bunch of space rockets! I simply can’t see any other way to get all of these cumbersome gold bars out of my personal vault.

Source: Guardian.
Yeah he reminds me of that Martin Shkreli bloke smirking his way through his deposition and going "what? Your society and laws allow - nay actively encourage - me to be a complete ****. Why would I not?"
This popped up on local market place. Made by ‘qualified welder’. Probably a lockdown project, but $1750 might be a little ambitious.