Little Things You Love

Fly over for the super cars each year. I hate the race cars enough as it is...but military performances? Fuck off.

LTIL - fine dining and fresh Australian truffles. Was a sensational evening!

I got truffles in a super nice risotto tonight. Kirsty experimenting again - I’m ok being a test subject some nights.
That Tomic Twit getting fined at Wimbledon. 80k for being uninterested.

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Fark, really?!

When will Bernard and Nick be finally wiped from the sport. I'm not a tennis fan but sick of the publicity these douchebags get over more deserving talent. Apparently the tennis wankers would rather show a kyrgios match than a champion female who is number 1 now.

Shame on all those making these media decisions. And if they are looking for views and exposure based on the potential for the Nick wanker to go nuts and smash shit and hurl abuse versus an awesome female player winning a game I'm style then I have no hope for male dominated sports.

The women deserve so much more coverage as they are better sports'men' and by that i mean women hold values and fairness men should aspire to.
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Even worse is they talk about the players who are world #1 and completely ignore the doubles, Stosur, the Woodies and the Maccas were all #1 over the years. AND Dylan Alcott who is just about the best ambassador anyone could have for sport and a number of special Olympians. Piss poor to ignore these players who have been and are the best in their field in the world.
Ladies tennis is so much better to watch. Not a tennis fan but took my wife to the Oz Open a few years back and the ladies are much easier to get involved with - they actually play tennis - not just serve balls at each other.