Nose case to careflight 1 (alot of pics)


Likes Dirt
far out, so he will ride again yes?
i went riding today and nose cased on a pretty big dj. pretty scary stuff, i was lucky not to end up without any bad injuries.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
This also shows the efficiency and willingness of our community services like the police and medical forces. Props to them too.

Hope ya mate is back on his bike soon


Likes Dirt
I'm Fine

G'day guys
Just so you all know, im fine, and riding "gently" again..............

anyway, my collar bone is all good now, and my ribs are fine (which brad forgot to mention) and my spine is slightly painful, but ill live:D

thanks to everyone for your support


pesky scooter kids git off ma lawn
Great to hear that you're better. That was a very serious crash. Good on you for getting back on the bike, even if you are just rolling along the footpath. Hope you build your confidence again and keep riding.