Sydney siege

Personally, I think the guy is fucking retarded for taking the wrong flag with him in the first place...
Stupid knowing? If something is fed long enough then creation is bound. Does that include this? Perhaps.

Speaking of feeding, this guy's probably just an ISIS operative after intel. After a mocha and muffin enema and a few questions, he lets them go. It's an established CIA technique.
Its going to be a long sleepless night. The cia could be here any minute to insist I shelve some muffins...i am going to make a hat to keep me safe.

The media is calling him a lone wolf how would they know if anyone has helped him ?, all his mates are going to put their hand up and say " Yeah man I help him " and I hope his virgins all have the clap!
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Personally, I think the guy is fucking retarded for taking the wrong flag with him in the first place...

It would have been absolutely hilarious if in his desperation to get a flag with the same colour scheme as IS, he used an All-Blacks flag.

Just think of the how much more fun the speculation from the networks this afternoon would have been.
Pretty much every time something like this happens they do condemn it and distance themselves from the act - as they have already done so today.

The media may not run to far with it though.

I suppose that even our vernacular here reflects how easy it is to create an "us" and "them" - we, as in you and I, are already using pronouns like "they" as a generalisation for the rest of the Muslim community. And I agree, every time something bad happens, a lot of the Islamic leaders do publicly denounce it - however that decrying needs to be SEEN to be loud, harsh and persistent by a lot of the non-Muslim population in order that people don't feel an increasing division between "us" and "them". As you say, the media attention on that has a big effect though. (I am aware that people reading this who don't know me may well jump to the conclusion that I am anti-Islam, which is true only to the extent that I'm generally anti-religion.)

On a brighter note however, obviously all is not lost -

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Self radicalised, lowly qualified, known to police already, probably has gone through an event such as a divorce or job loss in recent past.

I'll put 10 internet cool guy points on that being the basic identity of the foo running this shit show.

Nailed it Johnny.

From SMH:

"Monis, 50, is no stranger to the NSW police or the judiciary.

He first came to attention of police when he penned poisonous letters to the family of dead Australian soldiers seven years ago.

Last year he was charged with being an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife, a mother of two.

Most recently, he was charged with more than 50 allegations of indecent and sexual assault relating to time allegedly spent as a self-proclaimed "spiritual healer" who dealt with black magic at a premises in western Sydney more than a decade ago.

It is understood Monday's incident followed an unsuccessful, last-ditch attempted in the High Court on Friday to have the charges overturned.

Monis is not believed to have any formal links to any terror organisation. "
Couldn't face having done to him in prison, what he did to women?
Kudos to your relaxed bail laws NSW.
Enough is enough. Australia as a nation has to stand up and tell our leaders we are sick and tired of all the political correctness that has everyone's hands tied. If these people are speaking out against Australia, deport them.

End of story....