The 2010 Mont 24 Thread

BM Epic

Eats Squid
Hate it when you hear stories like this, especially when we get " oh mountainbikers are so friendly and blah blah blah". Hope your daughter and this girl realise that we're not all dickheads and don't let knobheads like this stop them from coming back.
My daughter is fine, the other girl i dont think enjoyed it too much, my daughter can handle herself but doesn't appreciate the few inconsiderate and rude people who inhabit our chosen sport, she was lapping around in 73 minutes, so not fast but not slow, she rides techy stuff as good as most people, but getting harangued by riders who are impatient is not on, it's not the first race this has happened either, she felt bad for the girl in front who was copping the "c'mon, fucking hell".
Besides that it was good fun!


Likes Dirt
My only complaint with rider etiquitte is when as a slower rider when I move over for a rider that doesn't mean everyone else in a train behind suddenly has the right to come through too leaving me off track running out of room and then getting stuck as everyone decides to push through.
I led a few groups of faster traffic for periods, and I always think it's polite and helpful to find out how many of you there is, meaning when you come up to slower riders you can always say 'g'day, squeeze past when you're right? 3 here'. Then on the way past, '2 more if possible mate, cheers!'. I let the guys behind know I'm doing it, that way they can relax knowing I'm communicating for them, meaning less yelling out etc.

To the bloke I shared a 3am lap with, really smashed some descents trying to shake him but he just stuck there and we had a good old chat. Turns out his mixed 6 was 7th, we were 8th (something like that). We had a laugh when we realised, then a good old leg cramping sprint, while having a chuckle, on the straight up to transition. You were riding a demo superlight after blowing your forks, so if you read this, sorry I missed you after handing off, thanks for a fun lap... here's your 'ehandshake' :)


Likes Dirt
Any word on results, I want to see how my team performed without me there to push them along..:rolleyes:

Delmar such the gentleman you are..!:cool:


Likes Dirt
I had a great race and thought track manners were pretty good out there. My only issues were overtaking at night when I'd be told to pass on the left/right and pull out only to find rocks/tree/corners actually made it really unsafe - but it's hard for those inexperienced and slower riders to judge good overtaking spots because they aren't experienced at overtaking so :D they were just doing the best they could .

People were really good about being passed and passing as far as I experienced. My only gripe was being yelled in the transition area for not getting off my bike and turning my lights off quick enough when
a) I didn't think it was obvious the exact point to dismount - they said walk thru the tent but you got yelled at if you weren't off your bike by the first corner of the fence
b) I was in the process of doing both but you can't turn off two lights and dismount simultaneously

Oh and it really sucked having to line up for 3 minutes to get thru timing on the first lap
A big thanks to Paul Cole for marking out an awesome course. He did take all the big climbs and technical stuff out but in a 24hour race that's fine by me. It was smooth and flowing and held up well overall.
The passing was the best I have had in any race. (Complete contrast to Angry Doctor). Everyone was super polite and moved over when they could, and I thanked them all. At night I even had riders pulling over before I called "track", as they could see my lights coming. (I've quite bright lights.) I really enjoyed riding that track.
I heard of some racing 'incidents' when passes went wrong. People make mistakes or don't know any better. Both the rider passing and being passed can be at fault. But there has to be passing. It has improved over the years and passing etiquette is now far better known by the majority than it used to be.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I led a few groups of faster traffic for periods, and I always think it's polite and helpful to find out how many of you there is, meaning when you come up to slower riders you can always say 'g'day, squeeze past when you're right? 3 here'. Then on the way past, '2 more if possible mate, cheers!'. I let the guys behind know I'm doing it, that way they can relax knowing I'm communicating for them, meaning less yelling out etc.
That definately works well as it also means you can find a bigger passing spot. Your extra effort is always appreciated.

As a slower rider if you pull over thinking you are letting one rider past and the you get the repeated "..and one more.." two to four times after, that's when you end up stuck in front of tree. That's when things get annoying.

Really the vast majority of riders make such an effort to be polite, considerate and encouraging that the few that don't are the ones that come across in that environment as the dickheads.

I had a great race and thought track manners were pretty good out there. My only issues were overtaking at night when I'd be told to pass on the left/right and pull out only to find rocks/tree/corners actually made it really unsafe - but it's hard for those inexperienced and slower riders to judge good overtaking spots because they aren't experienced at overtaking so :D they were just doing the best they could .
It is hard to judge as a slower rider because it also depends on the rider doing the passing. I have had some superfast riders being able to pass with seemingly no gap, extremely quickly and painlessly in areas where there is seemingly nowehere to go. Some others may be faster but are not in such good control while passing and need large spaces and much more time.

Though I did have a guy call track on me, I pulled over and nobody passed. I looked behind and he had shot of at 45 degrees down the hill off track at high velocity. ???!!


Likes Bikes
Who won the race?
I did. :)

I was first cross the line at the end of time, scored myself a nice Mont tent for my efforts thankyou very much.

Apart from a microsleep where I hit a tree and then a few k's later a double battery pack failure with about 7km to go at 4.45-5.00am I had a hoot.

Cranked 4 laps out (team of 5 - our 6th was sick so a no show) including a 63 minute lap which I reckon is not bad for a fatnslow old bloke.

I had one lap where a rider smoked me on every firetrail and I would catch and pass him on the single track only for him to get me on the next bit of firetrail. I reckon we passed each other at least 7 times in the lap.

The only annoying part has already been mentioned and that is when someone calls track and you call "on the right mate" and 2 or 3 others try to sneak past without a word, Only happened a few times to me but I have no problems pulling back onto the track if they don't call "another, 2 or 3" (or anything), let them head for the trees.

IMO Riders were better behaved than at the Scott, keep the rear number plates I reckon.

The funniest part is that my missus was not happy this morning when I woke at around 3.30 to get up for my next lap, thinking I had overslept.

Bring on Vietnam.

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Likes Dirt
Great Racing.

I have to agree with everyone else, people were very well behaved on the track.
Passing was done very well. Offer of assistance was abundant. (I found this out after having to run from just before the marshall point to the end of the lap with a slashed tyre, got to a point you get fed up with saying you are fine).
The track was suffering a bit near the end, but 10,030 laps will do that.
After riding all the recent enduo events solo, finishing a lap and stopping guilt free was the most awesome part for me. :eek:


Myself and a few mates were down there as volunteers for the weekend since we couldn't get a team together this year. Two of us were adopted by a team and sent out for a few laps. I thought the passing was fairly well conducted... better than last year by far. (although that could be thanks to the lack of golden bike)
As usual you still get the occasional d!ckhead passing trying to pass with no space but that always happens. Most people were happy enough to wait a few minutes if some fireroad was coming up.
I did prefer last years track... and last years weather. A big dump of rain before the race would've been nice.

My only gripe was being yelled in the transition area for not getting off my bike and turning my lights off quick enough when
a) I didn't think it was obvious the exact point to dismount - they said walk thru the tent but you got yelled at if you weren't off your bike by the first corner of the fence
b) I was in the process of doing both but you can't turn off two lights and dismount simultaneously
That was likely me at some point... We were doing what we were told to do. In a few cases some people needed to be told 2-3 times to turn their lights off and there was still the occasional person trying to ride through the first corner of transition.
In response to:
a) you were yelled at by me if you weren't out of the saddle by the first corner. I was happy with people rolling in becuase that's what would do but some rolled on the saddle to the first corner then blocked people behind while they tried to get off in an awkward position and,
b) you can turn off (at least one of) your lights earlier. There's nothing to fall on in the last few hundred metres and there was enough light from transition to ride by.
great event

All in all i think it was a great event. It seems that every year the Mont seems to be improving on the last. Great course and well run. I think perhaps Willo was watching over us as i was so impressed with how everyone was behaving out there. I did come across one muppet. There was some young guy on a 6am lap wearing what i think was an australian jersey (white with green stripe). He was a good rider. Plus his MP3 player and was not calling trak on anyone. When i called him on it he had the hide to tell me #### off. And thats my only beef.
Well done to all who rode the event for their great attitude on course.... That made it all the more enjoyale.
Passing etiquette

I am not a fast rider but this race I definiitely passed more times than I was passed and with all this talk of rider etiquette I thought I'd throw my average rider 2 cents in.

When passing I was always polite in asking - "whenever it's convenient mate", but of course, convenient to me ain't necessarily convenient to the rider in front, and vice versa. So I'd sometimes get people carrying on past a bit I thought I could overtake on, sometimes I'd get people pulling over & stopping, sometimes perfect timing just before a firetrail. The times I'm embarrassed about are those where the person in front obviously felt under pressure, would move to one side a bit but I wasn't fast/good enough to get past comfortably so occasionally I would either have to cut someone off or stop to avoid hitting a tree/rock etc. Highly embarrassing and whilst I don't think I actually caused anyone to stop (I checked), and I think I did say sorry to all, apologies to anyone I did that to (tall bloke on a Zinn frame).

As for those passing, apologies to anyone I didn't quickly get out of the way for. Same thing - being Mr average but a bit competitive, when you're asked to pull over you don't want to stop, so you don't pull over until you think someone else has room to get past while you're still moving. As has been said, there are peple who can get by in an inch and others (like me) for whom it takes a lot longer. Also when you're behind someone a fair bit slower than you that you want to overtake, and you're being caught up to by someone faster than both of you, do you wait until you can pass the person in front or do you let the person behind in front go by staying behind the slower person when they pull over? So yeah, it ain't that easy. Decisions decisions...

My point is it ain't always clear cut but I think (with the odd exception) we all do our best to make the right decision so everyone wins.

My only gripe is when you're at the back of a train of from say 3 & up to 20 (on the first lap) riders....if the 2nd rider doesn't try & overtake it's really annoying as it doesn't feel right to ask rider # 19 to pull over for you to go past - they're probably chomping at the bit to motor on aswell. But again, it's down to the people at the front to make the decision they think is the right one. And if someone else doesn't think they're making the right one, politely tell them.

Finally this was my first MONT at Sparrow and congrats to Paul for a great track. If you want a track to be as pristine after 10,000 laps as it was at the start, go to a velodrome. I thought the degradation took nothing away from the experience. Thanks to all the volunteers who put themselves out to do timing, marshalling, cleaning up at the end and for putting up with all the shite that some racers pile on them (how hard is it to stay off your bike for another 10 metres until you get to the palm tree in transition for christ's sake - it's not like nobody mentioned anything)


Likes Dirt
Who won the race?
first mens fours - drapac porsche, 27laps in 23hrs !
first mens sixes - anytime fitness
first womesn pairs single speed - bec parkes, trudy nicholas
first womens fours - onya bike
fastest night lap, ladies - trudy nicholas (on a single speed)

dont remember others.. :-(


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Who won the race?
There was a race going on?!?!

More importantly, which company was taking the photos on the track? I saw one uber dedicated guy curled up in the hollow under a tree on the apex of a rutted out corner... he must have got some amazing pictures, and still cant figure out how I didnt hit hm on the way through though


Likes Dirt

great event, fab tribute to willo, kudos to organisers (alan et al), course (paul cole) and also the other fellow crazies that turned up to make the event wonderful for us all.

the idiot wannabe racers need not turn up...please go hassle someone else. sadly its a reflection of the cross section of our society....why is it always the wannabes?

rear number plate, good..the guy from spearman cycles 437x must be pretty damn fast to have to barge through just before a fire road section or was he so deluded that he did not know we were coming up to said section ? calling track does not mean you have the right to barge past! YES, its upto the rider in front to communicate a suitable location and side. Why is this SO difficult to understand.
My passes would go something like this
faster rider: mate, when you are ready
me looking ahead: pass coming up to your right
me good to go now enjoy
faster rider: thanks mate enjoy the rest of your ride !

or me
when you are ready mate:
slower rider: on my right
me: cheers mate, enjoy the ride.

Now is that so damn difficult to comprehend ?

To all the zillions of others that politely made this pass, thanked, and even stopped to check when on one occasion handlebars touched, one clipped a tree while allowing a little racing room, its all good racing fun. The many chats one had with total strangers having an absolute blast is what makes our sport so much fun.

to #6794 or was it #6974 lady for sharing her co2 inflator then offering it when mine refused to work with a new canister 8k from home :-( this is what the spirit of the event is about.

the organisers go to great lengths to make this event happen for us, a little courtesy does not go astray.

always, the mont is a lot more chilled, fun event...same fun vibe at transition too with stu/ben providing non stop chatter ! how do they do it ?

till next year ! cannot wait
The "highlight" of my race was doing the first lap, after a bit of a sprint was in a nice position, guessing maybe in the top quarter of competitors, it was a bit of a train but the pace was good and was happy with it considering it was the first lap and everyone had started together.

Then with 5km to go I managed to destroy my rear derailleur and have to run my bike back to the transition, that was fun and managed to get overtaken by a fair few teams sadly, still did the lap in under 70 minutes.

Also riding a hardtail around that course killed me, think no more 24hr's until I purchase a dually...


Likes Dirt
There was a race going on?!?!

More importantly, which company was taking the photos on the track? I saw one uber dedicated guy curled up in the hollow under a tree on the apex of a rutted out corner... he must have got some amazing pictures, and still cant figure out how I didnt hit hm on the way through though
Aurora Images I believe... and that dude in the tree... scared the bejeebus outta me. Like a troll hiding under a bridge! *RAAAAWR!!! Snap!*


Likes Dirt
great event, great atmosphere, pity it might not happen next year......
First Mont, had a blast... Got over taken plenty and did plenty of over taking - ZERO issues - Cheers to all who participated and made this such a worth while pursuit.

But, what is the above comment all about?? Frensham, would you like to elaborate and kindly substantiate this statement with a little more info - assuming it is reliable of cause.



Likes Dirt
Fun race on the weekend

The Bad ... (Minor)
- Getting to the showers at 10:30pm only to find them closed for the night :(
- Waiting at the transition at the end of the race and just missing getting the extra lap by 90 seconds

The Good ... Everything else
- Fun cruisy track
- Not too many riders per km
- Good time had by all

I'm surprised how many people had issues with passing, I didn't have any issues apart from some people taking a long long time to let people through. I mean there are dickheads on both sides but I do find it frustrating that some people will plod along completely oblivious that 10-20 people are stuck behind them in a conga line.

I'm not that fast by any means but I can hear people approaching from behind, I'll generally ask them if they want to come by before they've called track and I just move a little to the left or say pass on the right at the next ... and all is good.

That said if you're having people physically push past you then that's pretty uncool
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FR Drew

Not a custom title.

The above comment refers to the fact that approx September they'll be commencing roadworks that will cut a 50m wide or worse swathe straight through Bobsled and Spaghetti Western. There will eventually be underpasses and Paul and Alan are working to ensure that sparrow will remain an awesome ride venue, but what the timeframe for the roadworks is and what the final impact will end up being is presently unknown.