The 2010 Mont 24 Thread

FR Drew

Not a custom title.
Dedicated, or stupid? You go out on a lap with no pump, no patches and no tubes?

And I'm sorry, but every single person I passed or saw on the side of the track, I asked them if they were okay or needed anything. How the FARK does someone get the whole way around the course with no-one offering him a tube or the use of a pump? What the hell is wrong with riders these days? It's a participation event, not for sheep stations. I'm sorry, but that just makes me feel sad.

For what it's worth, maybe lots of people offered tubes, pumps etc and he was just feeling gung-ho about toughing it through to the end of the lap, but if not, it saddens me. I'd like to think I'm not the only person out on the trail with this mindset, but incidents like this make me believe that riders willing to stop and help others out are increasingly in the minority.
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Likes Dirt
Dedicated, or stupid? You go out on a lap with no pump, no patches and no tubes?

And I'm sorry, but every single person I passed or saw on the side of the track, I asked them if they were okay or needed anything. How the FARK does someone get the whole way around the course with no-one offering him a tube or the use of a pump? What the hell is wrong with riders these days? It's a participation event, not for sheep stations. I'm sorry, but that just makes me feel sad.

For what it's worth, maybe lots of people offered tubes, pumps etc and he was just feeling gung-ho about toughing it through to the end of the lap, but if not, it saddens me. I'd like to think I'm not the only person out on the trail with this mindset, but incidents like this make me believe that riders willing to stop and help others out are increasingly in the minority.
No need to feel sad FR Drew.
Think you'll find it is the latter rather than the former. I saw a lot of people offering assistance and two tube 'giftings' between rider and flatted rider during my five laps out there.

IMHO this was the rider's personal choice rather than lack of assistance offered. Interestingly he was rewarded for his failure to be adequately prepared and a personal choice to continue. Go figure.

Bear - out.

FR Drew

Not a custom title.
Hmm, there's really no excuse for deliberate abuse of equipment, and in my mind it certainly shouldn't be rewarded.

That said it does boost my spirits to know that I'm not the only one offering help, and for the record, each time I was stopped (once to put a bit of extra air into a tyre and twice to grab something to eat), I was certainly on the receiving end of a lot of checks to make sure that I was okay.
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Likes Dirt
I think rider etiquette is still pretty good - don't think I saw a single rider trackside who wasn't offered help (either by me or by others if I was in a group or closing following other riders). Most of the people who passed me were pretty polite about it and I wasn't forced off the track by the one or two who weren't. Mistifyingly, one rider had to ride between me and my "new riding buddy" on possibly the widest section of the whole course (he only had about another 20 metres of options available to him), but at least he called as his front wheel got to...say...our bottom brackets! I have to confess I hung someone out to dry at about 4.30 in the morning when I dived inside a corner that ended much sooner than I thought - I offered profuse apologies and at least 30 seconds of insulting myself afterwards. But overall, a great event - great tracks, great atmosphere, thought the tributes and Honour Roll for Willo were handled really well - thanks to all the happy volunteers and I hope to be back repeatedly and often.


Likes Dirt
I thought the track etiquette was fantastic, plenty of calling early on, no one pushing and shoving, everyone incredibly friendly and helpful.

It was brilliant seeing so many women out there giving it a go, even at 4am.

Only complaint I have is someone pushing me off the track and laughing at me - I'll get you one of these days Jesus (or maybe I'll get someone else to do it for me....):D

C Dunlop

Likes Dirt
I flatted at about 4pm and was offered help by almost every rider who rode passed. Track ettiquite was great except for the 2 or 3 typical cock-faces.

Great event.


Likes Bikes
Hi all,

I have to say the mont 24 was a wonderful race full of fun with great company. I didn't have any issues with any riders althought I believe I did come close to some riders on passing in the night laps and gave all the apologies I could. Sorry for that, its just sometimes harder to judge in the night.

Does anyone know when the laps times will be published or are they currently available? Photos as well?

Have a good day guys.

BM Epic

Eats Squid
My big gripe was with soooo many riders that were let through( and i mean getting myself off into the scrub) with no thanks or anything, i ended up having a go at somebody when i asked him whether it was too much for him to say thanks?...i think a lot of these blokes were confusing themselves with elite riders!...the other gripe was with 1 rider calling track and 3 others coming charging through behind without letting you know whats going on, this shitted me to death, i had to stop several times or hit rocks or trees for this very reason( or stack into the rider who couldn't be bothered to let you know that they were coming through as well, this happened a lot more than it did last year!)..It also happened to my daughter several times, as well as an unsavoury incident with my daughter and another female rider who was fairly new to the sport, some very rude and impatient riders behind them got disgruntled because the girl up front was not fast or confident to have 4 blokes pass her when they wanted, not when she was ready..there comment.."c'mon, fucking hell"..they were just sooo quick that they needed to pass there and then, my daughter was horrified that they would say that just because the girl upfront was slow and not confident, my daughter rode with her for awhile for some company( it was 2.30am! ).
Too many idiots at this race in my opinion!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
My only complaint with rider etiquitte is when as a slower rider when I move over for a rider that doesn't mean everyone else in a train behind suddenly has the right to come through too leaving me off track running out of room and then getting stuck as everyone decides to push through.

EDIT : I note BM Epic makes the same complain above!

Anyone else think the track was even better than last year? I felt last years one got a little dull in the middle while this one seemed a bit more strenuous yet was much more interesting throughout.


Likes Dirt
Thanks to all who had anything to do with the Mont24 for 2010!!
I had a great time!! (well, looking back anyways...)

Trail etiquette was generally pretty good. You'll always get assholes on the trail, but I was lucky enough to not have any incidences worth remembering the offenders race number (great idea having rear number plates too!!)

I felt really sorry for the newbies on trail at night with cheap useless lights and minimal night riding experience and confidence. Not only were they being super cautious and slow, they didn't have the confidence to let people pass as often. I chatted to one girl on track who said she wasn't really enjoying the night riding coz she was being passed so often and so hastily.
Bit of a shame she wasn't enjoying herself, but their were people out there 'racing', not just 'riding', so I guess we all gotta compromise a bit.

I copped a flat 2km from transition on one of my faster laps. Used half my co2 to get the tyre up on pressure to try and finish the lap, but didn't make it. Had to change the tube and use the rest of my only co2 to get it up to maybe 20psi?!?! So i borrowed a pump off one of the many people that rode past and offered assistance. Got it up to pressure and dropped the pump back into transition with a note saying thanks after not being able to find the rider or his number :( I really hope he got his pump back :eek: Thanks to all that offered assistance, it was really great to see I wasn't the only person offering help during the race to everyone on the side of the track!!

Had fun, did good, can't wait for results and pics, thanks again to all.

Mark :)


Likes Bikes
My view is rider behaviour was better than last year and better than most other 24s I've ridden. I'd like to promote this concept: if you are following someone just marginally slow then you, and you hear someone fast come up behind - drop back a bike length or two. Let the faster guy go past you and then follow him/her past the slower rider in front (calling appropriately). You will find you will get dragged along for a bit and then settle back into the groove. Its all just common sense really.

I like the Marshall in transition reminding riders to walk their bikes - full kudos guy!

I don't so much like all the truck drivers beeping their horns at 5 am. What's that about for beeping-sake?


Merry fucking Xmas to you assholes
A really good race all round. I just wish I was 15kgs lighter so I did more of the overtaking.

I found the rider etiquette to be pretty good. Most people gave plenty of notice and if you told them to wait they waited. Lot's of thankyous and encouragement as well.

My girlfriend reported a few more problems with being forced to move over too much. She also reported that the girls were more courteous then the men. I didn't really notice this so much, more the fact that older riders were more courteous than the whippersnappers.

The track was really enjoyable and tougher than I expected. Technically it didn't have anything too steep or challenging but it got progressively more corrugated and didn't give you many oppurtunities to rest and grab a drink. This didn't mean it wasn't fun, the last 7kms in particular allowed me to get into a good flow.

Good event all round. Now to lose that spare tyre for next year.


Likes Dirt
I liked to call track on the second dam just for giggles...


Every race there is going to be people who are just being super keen and push the limits when it comes to passing. It will never change, so lets talk about other stuff.

The course was awesome, Sparrow's is always pleasing on the tyres. The only bit I just couldn't nail was 'Left and Right', I would always stuff up the third or so corner and end up on the rocks on the edge. It was my nemesis.

My fav lap would have been around 3am in the morning, I ended up in a bit of a train at the start and managed to get through it after some polite passing of course. The last rider to pass was just under my pace so I decided to roll with him the whole way as I tend to get a little lonely some times. It was good to talk the whole way, After riding 16kms with him, I lost him at the end as I couldn't pass someone safely during the creek run. If you are reading this and this sounds familiar... Thanks for making my lap enjoyable.

My team did pretty well, with 2 hours to go we were shuffling between 4th and 8th in the Male 6 category. The amazing thing about this is there was only 10 seconds difference between these places at such a late stage in the race. We only had 4 riders as well.

Canberra just had a huge dump of rain, so no doubt it would be perfect for the trails after the weekend.

Big Thanks go to the team who put on The Mont 24 Hour, it was well organised and as always... plenty of fun.

See ya's again!!
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Likes Dirt
My big gripe was with soooo many riders that were let through( and i mean getting myself off into the scrub) with no thanks or anything, i ended up having a go at somebody when i asked him whether it was too much for him to say thanks?...i think a lot of these blokes were confusing themselves with elite riders!...the other gripe was with 1 rider calling track and 3 others coming charging through behind without letting you know whats going on, this shitted me to death, i had to stop several times or hit rocks or trees for this very reason( or stack into the rider who couldn't be bothered to let you know that they were coming through as well, this happened a lot more than it did last year!)..It also happened to my daughter several times, as well as an unsavoury incident with my daughter and another female rider who was fairly new to the sport, some very rude and impatient riders behind them got disgruntled because the girl up front was not fast or confident to have 4 blokes pass her when they wanted, not when she was ready..there comment.."c'mon, fucking hell"..they were just sooo quick that they needed to pass there and then, my daughter was horrified that they would say that just because the girl upfront was slow and not confident, my daughter rode with her for awhile for some company( it was 2.30am! ).
Too many idiots at this race in my opinion!
Hate it when you hear stories like this, especially when we get " oh mountainbikers are so friendly and blah blah blah". Hope your daughter and this girl realise that we're not all dickheads and don't let knobheads like this stop them from coming back.