Titanium Hardtail

My Hettly Ti set up as a SS
Has anyone ridden the 2018 Lynskey Pro 29? They are fairly cheap on CRC at the moment and I'm thinking about buying one since I'm no longer able to ride my 150mm travel bike.
I have an older one, so can't comment on the newer geometry. Very much an XC bike, absolutely rockets up climbs, and for some reason is quite easy to get airborne. One thing I will say is that they're a really stiff bike; you don't get any sense of the compliance titanium is meant to offer.

They're a nice bike, and I'm surprised at the prices they've been going for. Lynskey were selling them stupidly cheap from their own site not long ago, so look there as well.
Yeah, they aren't that cheap direct at the moment with our terrible exchange rate.
Due to a recent injury I'm kind of stuck with XC stuff as I no longer have any depth perception and can't really judge the landings anymore. I've got a 140/130mm Trail bike so I'm looking for a light XC style thing.
Interesting that you reckon they are stiff, perhaps the Ridgelines are more forgiving? I kind of like the whole twisted tube thing though....
Due to a recent injury I'm kind of stuck with XC stuff as I no longer have any depth perception and can't really judge the landings anymore. I've got a 140/130mm Trail bike so I'm looking for a light XC style thing.

That sounds like a shitty injury, I'm sorry to hear that. I guess a bike with pretty forgiving handling will suit you best, not something that threatens OTBs by being too racy.

I should add that mine is set up with a 100mm fork with a climb switch that drops it to 80, so if you got a 2018 with a longer fork it's probably quite a different bike.

I haven't ridden the Ridgeline; it is meant to be more compliant. I think the Pro29 gets the stiffness from the twisted tubes.

Have you seen the new Ibis DV9? Not titanium, carbon, but a ripper price ($999 US, haven't seen a local price yet, but you can get it from Jenson for $1500 delivered)

EDIT: they won't ship to Oz, so you'd have to buy local. Worth it for the seven year warranty though.
I've already got three carbon bikes so was looking for something a bit different. I'm considering a 130mm DVO Diamond as the fork (have one on my trail bike and love it) and then some 35mm wheels to get some decent volume in the tyres. I can always put an angleset in it if the fork doesn't rake it out enough I suppose.
A Honzo Ti would be great but they are NLA.
My eye injury isn't too bad, the pirate jokes wear a bit thin though!
A Honzo Ti would be great but they are NLA.
My eye injury isn't too bad, the pirate jokes wear a bit thin though!

Arrrr I can see how that would happen

Stanton switch29er? It’s gonna be exxy but god damn are the pretty. Nice trail frame, should be plenty fun on xc stuff without going the full head down arse up xc route.

Are you stuck on titanium?
A few more options for you if you check out steel , and they can still be built up reasonably light.
I was really tempted by the Production Privee stuff that Pushy's had on special a while back, particularly in the Rothmans colours but didn't think it would build up very light with a 2800g frame. Are there any other light steel frame options? I had considered a ROS9 but since Niner had their issues I sort of discounted them, plus most of the Niner riders I know are tossers.
You weren't fuc*ing joking about the Stanton stuff being pricey, it'll be nearly $4k for a frame landed! Nice bit of kit though.
Re the pirate jokes, one of my mates got me a get well present which was a full size stuffed parrot and mounted it to my computer at work. Nothing like a bit of tough love when you are feeling sorry for yourself. No eye patch anymore, but I have to wear dark glasses because my iris is knackered so it's only a matter of time until the Ray Charles jokes kick off.
~US$900 landed for a complete custom Titanium from Waltly out of China

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Cotic's 29er steel frames aren't too portly. My MK3 medium in a touch over 2kg with the headset pressed in. Not sure on the new ones though. Managed to build it to 11kg with a dropper post
I was sitting on the trainer today while catching up on F1 qualifying and I looked around and realised my trail bike, cross country bike and road bike were all carbon. So yeah, I guess I've sold out lol.

But, the Cotic is still there. It may yet be revived and reclaim a tiny shred of "cool" in my life