You know you're getting old when ...

I was trying to read the packaging on the side of a new box of petfood. Special diet stuff for the 17 year old Burmese. Said to wife I cannot focus on the tiny writing. Moved to better light. Nah, still couldn't make out the words. Damn, have to get my glasses... ...wife asks what does it say? I replied no idea, I can't read Spanish.
Ykygo when you see a Mitsubishi magna with classic car plates in a country town parade. They were a real option when folks my age were getting p plates

I remember there was a time where magnas were common and they nearly all looked like they had been used as dodgem cars. The equivalent sedans from other manufacturers mostly looked to be in good condition. I don't know why there was such a difference, unless it was all creaky learning to drive.
I remember there was a time where magnas were common and they nearly all looked like they had been used as dodgem cars. The equivalent sedans from other manufacturers mostly looked to be in good condition. I don't know why there was such a difference, unless it was all creaky learning to drive.

I remember being pretty fast in that car. A manual front wheel drive V6. Popped a front tyre on the outside kerb exiting a roundabout once. Maybe carrying a bit too much speed.

Was the old man’s work car and did decent burnouts too (still had it when I had my P’s -the plate of freedom!)
I remember there was a time where magnas were common and they nearly all looked like they had been used as dodgem cars. The equivalent sedans from other manufacturers mostly looked to be in good condition. I don't know why there was such a difference, unless it was all creaky learning to drive.
Magna owners probably didn't realise the things had the turning circle of a moderate-sized ship, and the corners were invisible, so kept hitting shit. We had one as a rental when I was about 17 or so, it was a pig of a thing! Our LWB Mazda van had a better turn radius, and that was nearly twice as long as the Magna!
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Yep but at least you can tell when it’s going to rain a day or so before everyone else
For some years my knees have been able to tell when it's hit 32 degrees, but that's not where the arthritis has been identified. The offending knuckles have not yet shown meteorologically predictive powers. :confused:
YKWYAGO when the jars of raw sugar and brown rice look close enough early in the morning in the dark cupboard that you ending sprinkling the wrong stuff on your weetbix.
Shoulda gone to spec savers…

Extra crunchy?
Extra crunchy?
YKWYAGO when the jars of raw sugar and brown rice look close enough early in the morning in the dark cupboard that you ending sprinkling the wrong stuff on your weetbix.
Shoulda gone to spec savers…
Still carbo loading, so no harm done.