First ride on a dually - wow

Call me a pus$y if you will but I learned the hard way that Transitions are heavy AF even if you go carbon. Yeah, they could probably take a shot from an Abrams and still ride it off but man, they're heavy!

Even if I wanted to go carbon on the Scout I need a complete new bike as my current has all outdated standards (27.5, 142 axles, non boost fork, you name it).

Maybe I should get another Nicolai...

They are a heavier, stiff frame for the travel.
Not an XC whippet at all. I like that though. If you don’t, fair call. Everyone’s entitled to an opinion even if you’re wrong.

The orange trances look schmick in person just quietly.
They are a heavier, stiff frame for the travel.
Not an XC whippet at all. I like that though. If you don’t, fair call. Everyone’s entitled to an opinion even if you’re wrong.

The orange trances look schmick in person just quietly.

Nah, I'm not really unhappy with my Tranny. Season's upgradeitis, that's all.
I love the way it handles, I just need to tune the suspension here and there.

It will never be a light bike and if I go for another bike, I'd like a bike with the capabilities of the Scout in a lighter package. I don't intend to go for stupid light weights, light bikes break. Anything under/around 13kg with pedals will do. My Scout sits now at ~13.6kg with Shimano DX pedals, a Pike and dropper.
Haha, I’m daydreaming about a smaller frame (instead of a large process 153) - in travel and possibly a M. Just a lucky guess!