Little Things You Love

So a week ago-no shit- I’m in total tools looking at a bench grinder/linisher combo thing. Half decent unit was about $600ish. Didn’t quite have the dosh to spend so left it. Yesterday out of the blue my neighbor calls and says he’s got some old shit tools in the shed he’s clearing out would I like a look? Sure. Why not. Expecting clapped out Ryobi rubbish but beers were on offer as well so why not.
AnywYs I walk in his garage and yes there’s a couple of the expected Bunnings Ryobi sanders and shit I was going to politely decline but sitting on the bench was this old bullet proof Australian made Bench grinder/linisher combo. What about that I says. Yeah that too. He wants nothing for it except some neighborly favour down the track as you would anyway.
Saved me $650 and I’ve got something that will probably last my lifetime out.View attachment 388240
Abbott and Ashby grinder with a multitool linisher attachment..good score, and bulletproof
Abbott and Ashby grinder with a multitool linisher attachment..good score, and bulletproof
I know right. It still has the factory wheel on it it came with. That’s how much use it has although it needs a new one as it’s out of balance. The riveted on label has the old company phone number for Sydney on it. Very happy with it. Love a good solid quality tool.
I just spent last week on Fraser Island with a mate and his family. Honestly, it was the first holiday as a family that I truly enjoyed, and I think the kids getting old enough to behave themselves played a huge part in that. Oldest is 7, youngest is 4.

Excellent weather and accommodation in Kingfisher resort, well behaved kids, good driving on the beach and inland tracks. I took my completely stock down to the factory tyres 200 series over and it was awesome.

I didn't even mind the bush pin stripes on the car and 6 hours it took to clean all the sand out and wash it!
The rain. It's been around a lot and I haven't given it enough love.

I bought some tickets for Midnight Oil, from ViaGogo not realising at the time they were scamming scum. I tried to reverse it with my bank, I contacted Ticketek who I had gone and bought legit tickets off in case the ViaGogo ones didn't work, neither were able to help. I was told I had to show up and scan the tickets, if they didn't work the bank could process the reversal.

Come concert day yesterday arvo it starts pissing down, so we're at home waiting for the rain to slow but we have to go because they are due to come on soon. The prospect of paying over a thousand bucks to stand in the rain (if the gogo tickets work) is hanging overhead. Drive through pissing rain, arrive at the venue, walk to the entrance, get turned away as the concert has been cancelled. Now we have a chance of getting a refund off the scum, and definitely will be refunded for the other tickets.

I'm so pissed about the whole thing, that a bank and a big company can't do anything to enforce the anti scalping laws with these scammers. I might not even bother going if they re-schedule, have already seen them a few times in recent years, and we were triggered into buying tickets right when they came on sale because this was the "last gig" but it didn't even sell out.

So yeah, thanks rain.
I just spent last week on Fraser Island with a mate and his family. Honestly, it was the first holiday as a family that I truly enjoyed, and I think the kids getting old enough to behave themselves played a huge part in that. Oldest is 7, youngest is 4.

Excellent weather and accommodation in Kingfisher resort, well behaved kids, good driving on the beach and inland tracks. I took my completely stock down to the factory tyres 200 series over and it was awesome.

I didn't even mind the bush pin stripes on the car and 6 hours it took to clean all the sand out and wash it!
Nice place at Kingfisher, I was a groomsman at a wedding there a few years ago. How did you avoid all the muppets?

Kids have been asking me about getting a PS5 for a while.

No luck anywhere so I revived my 2010 Twitter account a few weeks back and signed up to 3 x PS5 stock alert pages.

Kept missing them but scored a pre-order today from EB Games, the pre-order is pick up on the 27th April, so 7 days away,

Now to delete Twitter again.

Still available.


Only thing that's stopping me is the physical size of the current PS5; it's a big bugger. I don't think I'd actually have anywhere to put it so I think I'll wait for the 2nd gen one - historically they've always downsized them substantially.

Only thing that's stopping me is the physical size of the current PS5; it's a big bugger. I don't think I'd actually have anywhere to put it so I think I'll wait for the 2nd gen one - historically they've always downsized them substantially.

Would have been nice if they dropped in price too but with all this shortage, they sell out at full price and will probably continue at this price for a long time.

There's a couple of games that their mates play that they want to get on and I'd said I would get them one... now to grab an extra controller too and the 2 bloody games they want as I refuse to pay for a downloaded game when the disc is basically the same price.

I'll play with them on 2 player racers, golf or something we can have a bit of competition. Just means more controllers :rolleyes:

Only thing that's stopping me is the physical size of the current PS5; it's a big bugger. I don't think I'd actually have anywhere to put it so I think I'll wait for the 2nd gen one - historically they've always downsized them substantially.
It's how I got mine was a EB Games pre-order.
Wait was about 3 weeks from order to delivery pre-xmas
Would have been nice if they dropped in price too but with all this shortage, they sell out at full price and will probably continue at this price for a long time.
I think the chip shortage acutely affected PS5 production - I'm actually surprised the price isn't higher.

Also it comes with Gran Turismo 7 - you don't need anything else ;)
I'm so pissed about the whole thing, that a bank and a big company can't do anything to enforce the anti scalping laws with these scammers. I might not even bother going if they re-schedule, have already seen them a few times in recent years, and we were triggered into buying tickets right when they came on sale because this was the "last gig" but it didn't even sell out.

Have to agree. The mind boggles that the banks don't have ViaGogo on some form of a blacklist already.
I've heard that they are pushing their new material now and putting the older stuff way behind them anyhow.

Keep the good memories of the past in your head since 90%+ of bands with 30+ years added to their age are in need to prop up their retirement funds. I might be on the outer here but I have little urge to watch a bunch of old guys pretend that they are still in their teens or twenties while their music continues to play in supermarket aisles.
Have to agree. The mind boggles that the banks don't have ViaGogo on some form of a blacklist already.
I've heard that they are pushing their new material now and putting the older stuff way behind them anyhow.

Keep the good memories of the past in your head since 90%+ of bands with 30+ years added to their age are in need to prop up their retirement funds. I might be on the outer here but I have little urge to watch a bunch of old guys pretend that they are still in their teens or twenties while their music continues to play in supermarket aisles.
Especially when the front man was a total sell-out as a politician.