Trump..... (The Sophistry Thread)

So Pompeo said today there I’ll be a "smooth transition to a second Trump administration". I’m not usually one for far out conspiracies, but do I smell a coup coming on?
A coup attempt is exactly how I see it.

Fortunately I have some faith in the US institutions he’d need to get on board. Call me naive.
So Pompeo said today there I’ll be a "smooth transition to a second Trump administration". I’m not usually one for far out conspiracies, but do I smell a coup coming on?
It's cool, Pompeo clarified and retracted that statement an hour or so later in an interview.

They're just throwing the tubby toddler enough crumbs so neither he or his supporters turn on them. Whether that works or not...??
Pompeo knows that is something you dont usually joke about .
Sounds sinister .
Fortunately Biden just laughed it off , didnt take the bait .
Chillax everyone, there will not be a coup or anything approaching one. This has as much weight as the Hunter laptop and is simply Republicans reacting in canny self-preservation. McConnell is humouring him because he's from a rampantly red state, Republicans from blue states (Senator Collins, several Governors) or Republicans who simply despise Trump (Romney) have either congratulated Biden or called on Trump to go gracefully.

Trump will continue this forever probably with ever diminishing support apart from his most ardent sycophants and will probably never concede nor go to Biden's inauguration, trashing his legacy in the process.
Sorry, it feels like you're posting that as a bad story. I for one welcome a bit of Republican fratricide at the hands of the stupidest Trump sprog, it'll only further damage their legacy. That photo was fairly terrifying though.
Just seeing/hearing more of them....with a frothing audience, is horrifying. I have zero faith in approximately 70 million Americans to not jump the stupidity shark.
Her RNC speech still haunts me.
Trump just needs to drag out the certification of results for another few weeks in order to make it hard to certify in time. At which point the state legislatures (Republican dominated), can use this to directly choose electors who will vote for Trump even if their electorate voted otherwise.

Failing that, if it pushes out past Safe Harbor day, and continuing litigation means that states aren't represented due to being unable to certify their results in time; or if the validity of those electors can be challenged due to being instated after the Safe Harbor day, then the consitution throws the choice of president to the House of Reps.

You might then say "But Democrats have a majority even after losing seats in the House of Reps" and wonder how that could work in Trump's favour. But the Constitution announces a special voting rule when it comes to the House voting on the President; each state's congressional delegation gets only one vote. There are twenty six states with Republican majority in their current house delegations, and they may even gain more.

It would be a mistake to think that the litigation winning on its own merits has anything to do with Trump potentially seeing a consecutive term.
No one believes that even YOU believe all that.
Just seeing/hearing more of them....with a frothing audience, is horrifying. I have zero faith in approximately 70 million Americans to not jump the stupidity shark.
Her RNC speech still haunts me.
Yeah but if you watch that speech with North Korean propaganda music overlaid it kinda works.

I have faith that a significant proportion of those 71,000+ million Republican voters are people who don't have time or interest to get properly invested in politics (so have avoided most of the Trump bullshit) or have simply voted Republican always and never given it much thought, or looked at their lot in life, their 401k and their respective wealth (bear in mind a lot of Americans did very well out of Trump's tax cuts) and just felt they're better off now then they were 4 years ago so why not just let things continue?

A lot of strongly Republican rural areas have been barely affected by the pandemic too (yet) but I've yet to find a single major population centre that didn't vote blue.
We can't forget that Trump didn't simply HOLD his vote, he dramatically INCREASED it....wasn't such a passive thing, I don't reckon.
Populous areas are always more liberal....even in QLD. With the electoral college and senate eats, that's far less relevant.
Yeah but so did the Democrats. There was effectively a blue wave, it just smashed into a red wave of pretty much equal intensity.

Everyone imploring people to vote, vote vote didn't specify who for (a good thing). So pretty much what happened was for the first time in a very long time Americans actually gave a shit and participated in record numbers in the democratic process. I hope that's a trend that continues.
Trump just needs to drag out the certification of results for another few weeks in order to make it hard to certify in time. At which point the state legislatures (Republican dominated), can use this to directly choose electors who will vote for Trump even if their electorate voted otherwise.
This is what I'm thinking too. Pretty sure this would rip the US in half.