Views exclusive to two wheels

Wow, this thread has some amazing images in it. Lets get it rolling again. ;)
Overlooking glasshouse mountains from behind wamuran....

Taken about 12.30 today - I took it while replying to a post to Moorey lol.


But I can't get it the right way up!!!!
Thanks for resurrecting the thread guys. Always inspires me to ride new places looking at all these great views.


One from earlier this year. Looking out over Pittwater from Kuringai NP.


Taking a breather on the Oaks Firetrail (Blue Mountains) yesterday.
Sunrise from Bobby Pin climb on Mt Stromlo last weekend for the Scott 24Hr
Just after the Springwood fires which occurred almost a year ago, I took this pano of unburnt bush and burnt bush down in Blue Gum Swamp, nice contrast.

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Just after the Springwood fires which occurred almost a year ago, I took this pano of unburnt bush and burnt bush down in Blue Gum Swamp, nice contrast.


Local ride location Glenrock lagoon had a fire last year as well. How odd does it look where the green and black meet in such sudden borders!? And did you find that the trails winding through all the char were fresh looking or covered in unburnt leaves?
Local ride location Glenrock lagoon had a fire last year as well. How odd does it look where the green and black meet in such sudden borders!? And did you find that the trails winding through all the char were fresh looking or covered in unburnt leaves?

I was riding along, maybe a week after the fires, and all the bush on both sides of the trail were burnt. Then I come across this little pocket of green which somehow survived and it was weird so I took a photo. Maybe a helicopter with a bucket of water saved it.

Strong winds a few days after the fires covered the trails with dried leaves and sticks, frikin sticks clogging up my rear derailleur for weeks and then came the hoards of bloody deafening and pissing on you cicadas!!!

I've got a few more pics, maybe I'll post them up as a one year tribute.
I was riding along, maybe a week after the fires, and all the bush on both sides of the trail were burnt. Then I come across this little pocket of green which somehow survived and it was weird so I took a photo. Maybe a helicopter with a bucket of water saved it.

Strong winds a few days after the fires covered the trails with dried leaves and sticks, frikin sticks clogging up my rear derailleur for weeks and then came the hoards of bloody deafening and pissing on you cicadas!!!

I've got a few more pics, maybe I'll post them up as a one year tribute.

I would imagine during the inferno it gets pretty hot and windy! In my case there was a very distinctive border, partly 2 fire roads. A very eerie place the day after. All the clay in the ground was baked hard and so much garbage! Heaps of things I would have expected to be mangled by the heat looked normal. It has taken a long time for the scrub to grow back as well.
I don't have many photo's from the trails after the 17th October 2013 Springwood bush fire which burnt down 200 odd homes but I'll share the few I do have.
To put into context I live about 400 meters from where it started and we were very lucky not to lose our home, thanks RFS for saving many homes that day.








A Couple of months after the Aussie bush regenerates quickly as it's evolved to.

My awesome Giant Boulder down at the North Grotto Winmallee.