You know you're a cyclist when...


Likes Dirt
when your out on the odd occasion where you don't have ur bike and the whole time you see things that make you visualise yourself hucking it on your pushie.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
When you're driving along a gravel road and there is a largeish rock stickong out, as you drive over it you pull up on the steering wheel (as you would on the bikes handlebar) but the car suspension just soaks it up and the dream is over, keep driving to work~


Likes Dirt
when your driving a car and you lean around corners, I had my mate in fits of laughter because I didn't realise I was doing it.
And your full time occupation is bicycle mechanic yet you still ride home and work on your bikes
that is just hilarious dude although i wonder if i do it at times........
..... whenever possible, you relate school projects to downhill.
good thing our maths assignment is about downhill/freeride jumps this semester, we can go on rotorburn as much as we like and not be introuble by the school

When you don't remember faces, only bikes.
happens all the time within our group especially with GEOFF DOOM, "oh man i met the sick kid on the weekend cant remeber his name but he had this sweet looking brakeless bmx and was riding it wrong, but he totally wants to meey up with us and ride at the park"
never happens but
Good Times

EDIT: here is the site that geoff doom was tlaking about there are some good things in that seriously check out that guys glove tan :O
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
when on a roller coaster making bike movements on the corners and the up and donws
and faking to do x ups and other tricks on it. Leaning hard into the corners
A bit embarrassing but still fun as


Likes Dirt
...when you cant poo without reading a bike mag...

...or you're desperate to go and still rush around looking for said magazine...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
When you tell your workmates about how stoked you are about building a bike under budget and seeing there jaws drop when they realise you've spent thousands on a pushie (or parts)


Likes Dirt
When you ride to work. Were you Work on, fix, build, sell, talk about and look at bikes all day. Than ride home than when you get home, you work on your own bike than jump on Farkin and read about bikes. And do that 5-6 days a week =)


Likes Dirt
You know you're a mountain biker when:

The only way you can convert between metric and imperial measurments is by refering to common fork travels.

"200mm equals 8inches "
"Marzocchi 888! "
so true i do this all the time


Likes Bikes and Dirt
When you buy your 8 year old daughter a 20" mountain bike and proper riding gloves. Then go out together and hit the single tracks and have her say "This is the best thing you can do".
When your art teacher who would rather you spend your $1000 dollars on camera stuff thinks that you might spend it on a whole bike, not just forks.

When you know who Patto is.
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Max Pfaff
You spend more time browsing bike releated stuff on the net than actually doing real work...


Heavy machinery.
Staff member
You spend more time browsing bike releated stuff on the net than actually doing real work...
\ is work isn't it?:confused:

I reckon the guys that live in suburbia that have built pump tracks in the back yard pretty committed to their sport!


Likes Dirt
it's almost impossible to walk down your hallway with shopping bags because there are too many bikes in the way


Eats Squid
When your'e reading this thread and glance up at the tele while Thomas the tank engine is starting and notice the model of the black single speed Massey-Harris postie bike on the bridge in the opening credits, and appreciate that the model maker went to such effort as to keep it real with what seems to be a replica brooks saddle.


Eats Squid
it's almost impossible to walk down your hallway with shopping bags because there are too many bikes in the way
i only have one bike in the hallway and it makes this impossible.

at my mum's, however, there are 2 frames in her shed, 2 big rollaway boxes with parts, 4 pairs of forks hanging on the wall, 8 various race plates, about 10 totally f*cked wheels, unlimited old tyres, 4 pair of bent/scratched/f*cked bars and about 50 old tubes (that im totally gonna patch/use as a bike stand/use for chainstay protectors/use as bike racks/use to store all my bike parts/etc etc for)

bikes are sweet