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  1. mtb_coop

    'Racist' KFC cricket ad causes uproar in US

    HAHA. This made me laugh.:D
  2. mtb_coop

    'Racist' KFC cricket ad causes uproar in US

    Those American Journo's just jumped in claiming that Australians are rascist without considering the circumstances. Your points are very true slamer. If we were playing england at the time and did the same ad but with english supporters instead, then they wouldnt have a problem at all. Just...
  3. mtb_coop

    dj ideas

    look in the trail building forum at the "How to Build DJ's" sticky thread by Gluey Trails.
  4. mtb_coop

    me, flair 540 tap footjam.....

    thats soooooooooooooo sik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're my idol
  5. mtb_coop

    Help needed about buying new forks

    price range? Personally for dj's i prefer to use forks that are 100mm or less. Larger travel forks cause you to lose speed.
  6. mtb_coop

    Foam pit warrior :Z

    It could be worse. At least he's doing some tricks and he's not one of those people that just post videos and pics of bails into foam
  7. mtb_coop

    Specialized p2 frame and parts- Gauging buyer interest

    Hey mate, This is the sort of thread that you should be putting in the trading area if you have access. But dont write in the trading forum what what youve written this thread. Make sure you use the proper sale format, put up pictures and say that you are willing to split the bike. People...
  8. mtb_coop

    Cracks in my DJ's

    to build jumps allowing them to dry evenly, could i build them by making a small mound of dirt then let it dry out, then gradually add to it allowing it to dry after each addition to it?
  9. mtb_coop

    R.O.W.D Grand Opening

    Nice vid The slow motion is trippy as
  10. mtb_coop

    sold please delete

    hey mate ive pmed you
  11. mtb_coop

    Jump Wreckers

    Sorry to hear about your jumps mate:( Recently our jumps were recked by some kid who couldn't do our jumps so he was jumping off the corner of the lip onto flat sketchy as. He recked the lip and destroyed the downramp from all of his cases!:mad: GRRRRRRRRRRRR
  12. mtb_coop

    DJ Blk Mrkt Riot *NEW PICS*

    drool that is one amazing bike. How much did it cost in total?
  13. mtb_coop

    Cracks in my DJ's

    Thanks. Thats some great tips.:) My jumps have fairly large cracks in them already so what would you recomenned? 1. Destroy the jump and start again or 2. Wet the whole thing, smooth off the lip then place carpet on the lip and water it each day.
  14. mtb_coop

    Our Djs/Trails - Update - New set

    looks sick i'd love to see some action shots:)
  15. mtb_coop

    Cracks in my DJ's

    thanks for the help guys I've patched up the cracks with a trowel and i'll consider puting carpet on the downramps. Anyone know where i could get some cheap or free carpet?
  16. mtb_coop

    Cracks in my DJ's

    Yeah the trowel made it pretty smooth and we used it to patch up the cracks but i reckon eventually some chunks will break off the upramp. anyone else got any idea's on preventing cracks
  17. mtb_coop

    How to build DJ's

    thanks for the ideas i'll definately use them when I build. One tool that you left out was a trowel. Were using it one our jumps to make nice touchups on the lips and its working great.:)
  18. mtb_coop

    Cracks in my DJ's

    Over the holidays some we've been building some DJ's and they're looking pretty nice but there got a few big cracks in the lips. In the short term it shouldn't be much of a problem but eventually the lip will crumble off. I'm not sure if its the dirt we're using of the recent rain that has...
  19. mtb_coop

    Ideal bike for DJ and Park begginer

    I agree, thats a good bike for the price and it looks to be in good condition. If I were you I'd buy it.