Eating less f*cking food

Everyone always pushes for the permanent change kind of thinking towards diet. I get that with developing habit and all that, but I've been thinking about what our bodies are designed for and wondering if a yearly cycle might have some benefits.

We live in a time where we have refrigerators, microwaves, and a permanent supply of food at the local supermarket. Wind the clock back 100 years (not even a blink of the eye in evolutionary terms) and food supply was extremely seasonal.

Now, I've not tried this, it's just some half baked thoughts...

Use nutritional science and understanding of how and when the the body uses carbs, fat and protein and try to apply that in a pre-industrial age yearly cycle. I imagine that to be something like keto in winter when carbs would have been less available and a more open diet the rest of the year. The tricky bit I think would be learning what our individual short term limits are for body fat storage at both ends of the spectrum. I imagine a yearly body fat shed over the winter would have been common in many parts of the pre-industrial world.
Good, just popped up a few times as your dinner already and well you know it's not a night time food right?

Yup! I had pasta in the afternoon in the last photo (4:30pm) then did a four hour shift on my feet. Next meal was 9am this morning.
(IMO) You should put up a starting off weight so you've got a baseline to show progress from @Jabubu.

To put my money where my mouth is - I'm going to challenge myself to join in and lose ~5kg* by the end of May.

I'm thinking it's better to lose it slowly, and guessing I really just need to remove the "treats" (junk food) from my diet and be a bit more active to get there.

I did think about aiming for more weight loss - but (A) I'll probably put on a bit of muscle if I'm exercising more so I might not actually lose heaps of weight, as (B) I'm not hugely fat - just starting to get the "Dadbod"/3 months pregnant look. So if I can relocate some of the cushioning and convert it to muscle, plus lose a few kilos in the process I'll be stoked.

*I don't actually know how much I weigh currently, nor have I ever tried to lose weight before (I've always tried to just not blow out), so step 1 will actually commence have to commence on the weekend, as I need to buy some scales so I can actually work out my starting point. Will update with a starting point once I know.

Time to get my summer bod ready for winter! :p
Well, I went and invested big and bought an old-school mechanical style set of scales for $8.50 from Kmart.

I knew I'd put on a bit of weight over the last couple of years, but was surprised when it rolled round to 105kg. No gonna lie, it hurt a little seeing that (I've always been well below the triple digits in the past). Definitely a good thing I actually committed to doing something about the extra bulk now rather than 'down the track'.

I will be focusing mostly on cleaning up the diet and reducing portion sizes a bit over the coming weeks, with a gradual increase in exercise ramping up to fairly frequent exercise once the peak of the summer heat subsides (mostly just walking and riding, some basic strength work at home). I have a semi-active job (primarily office based, but physical exertion is generally intense but short lived lifting/carrying/running up or down stairs/etc...), so I'm mostly aiming to add in some extra cardio as I think it'll be better for suppressing hunger than bulk strength work. Will try to give an update every few weeks.
Well, I went and invested big and bought an old-school mechanical style set of scales for $8.50 from Kmart.

I knew I'd put on a bit of weight over the last couple of years, but was surprised when it rolled round to 105kg. No gonna lie, it hurt a little seeing that (I've always been well below the triple digits in the past). Definitely a good thing I actually committed to doing something about the extra bulk now rather than 'down the track'.

We went the hyper expensive route after getting some weird news about our heart rythym (note: it's not normal but its what we have) .... realising that we thought we were about 100 kg and learning that we were well over that..... well over that.... we got one of them wifi bluetooth scales..... shit becomes real.

Cut out meat from diet..... helped a lot... increased the vegetable intake (didnt hurt as much as we had assumed.. and was actually really tasty)

We should make a weekly, easy to make, tasty menu... The rotorburn menu !!!

Good food.... good health....

Well I skipped lunch today...there was just too much powder. So I pretty much have a bonus meal up my sleeve for later use.
Off Topic for eating but @pink poodle where are you boarding now?

Back OnTopic I've been following this thread with mild interest as last year was a bit of an annus horribilis with very little riding or general excersise and I'm in the same boat as lot here, crested the 50 hill a few years back and excess mass only helps on the downs not the ups.

Seeing the comments about myfitnesspal triggered me to install it as well as the last time I used somehtig like this was a web based one (pre smartphone days) and it really helped keeping it real about what was going in.
Anyway whilst searching for ways to get a discount on the premium option as Ads sh!t me to tears I found this little gem of info.
Based on a recent work trip to Turkey last year I can understand why they offer it cheap over there, so many different types of kebab available and great places to eat that it's easy to put on a kilo or two in a very short time....
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I am at Kagura @ausdb it's famous for having a roughly 6 month season most years and powder. It gives up the powder pretty good.
I am at Kagura @ausdb it's famous for having a roughly 6 month season most years and powder. It gives up the powder pretty good.
Ta, I am starting early on trying to make the planets align to get 2 weeks off work in January next year for a Japan trip with family and some friends so looking for ideas with reliable snow.