
It's all well and good to think about and even joke about what bikes or bike related items you may grab. But I would hope that people think about what's really important in their lives and that tragedies like this put things into perspective.
Honestly I think I would leave everything at the drop of a hat as long as I have my Husband and Kids. Who cares about bikes, bike trails when you're talking about peoples lives and lively hoods. A house is just a house, it can be rebuilt, it's the people in it that make it a home. But it is somewhat harder to fathom that people who ran farms have not only lost their properties but also their means of generating income, their livelyhoods.

over 100% correct there pebble.
Been sick all morning so been watching sunrise and keeping up to date.
Really sad to hear about all the loss, my condolences to the affected families.

Can't even begin to understand what posesses a person to try to relight these sort of fires.
Ive spent 1hr 35mins this morning thinking of the worst way i could capture and hurt the arsonists whilst keeping them alive and concious so they can experience it.
Spot on Pebble...
we are only a short drive from some of the most affected areas round Kinglake an have a huge number of friends and aquaintances who have been caught up in this...we could see the fires on Saturday night from our house. My 7yo daughter has a number of school friends who have lost everything or been through hell to save their places. My sister in law doesn't know yet if shes lost friends and students-they are missing (she's a primary teacher in Whittlesea). I have a friend who lives across the valley below the Long Gully DH track - she lost everything...but somehow her 5 horses survived.

When things like this happen you really do realise whats important. I have seen and heard so much trauma regarding the bushfires that I feel sick...I have had very close ties to Kinglake and to Marysville, Buxton region in the past and it is devastating to think that these towns are no longer there. I believe these while these communities will rebuild - recovering will take a long time. So many lives have been changed forever...

I just read this experience written by a reporter in St Andrews - it is such a descriptive article about what people are/have gone through...,21985,25025587-5018723,00.html
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It's something that doesn't hit you unless the threat to you personally becomes real. A few weeks back there was a fire about 12k's from a friends place, it was in some bush with hilly rugged terrain, although around her property it was relatively clear, they would have protected their house, but since they are farmers (fruit trees etc) I hate to think of the possibility.
My husband was at work and left a message on my mobile concerned weather I knew about it because we live in the bush about an additional 25k's from the friends place. The fire was brought under control but it did make me think, and it certainly would have been scary!!

Anyway I did think about weather I would grab the bikes etc only because we have a ute and trailer and I would have probably left well in advance if the fire happened to be coming our way. Well there would be no other choice since at that stage the house didn't have a roof yet and we are only living in a big shed so there would be no chance of protecting anything!

So with what I said I don't want to make those feel bad who were thinking about bike trails etc - I am certain that if you were affected as much as those in the Vic regions or know people who are then it would be the last thing on your mind. Farkin being the forum it is, seems there are people here who have been directly or indirectly affected so everyone should just keep that in mind.

Yes I found the DEC website fantastic when we had the fire near us, much better than relying on the news.

Weather you're in the city or in the bush, we should all make the effort to have a fire plan.
I am in the bush now so I guess once we're in the house we need to have two plans - one so the kids know how to get out of the house in a house fire and a different plan for bushfires.
At the current state I would grab our important papers (all handy in one place) and then time would determine anything else like computer (has photos on it), photos, food, camping gear and clothing.
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we live in doncaster...saturday night on one side of our house we could see the fires (with binoculars there e could see the detail of the fire coming over a ridge, then partway down it seemed to turn back on itssel, while the hill behind was just a mass of glowing embers and spotfires. On the other side of the house we can see the city, only 15mins away.

one story i read was of a wife who nagged her husband to build a fire bunker after the last fires a few years ago which almost got kinglake. the husband finally gave in and built it and it saved there lives....bit of planning, and work paid of for them. Definitely something I'd consider if we lived anywhere in the bush...not so easy for those in suburbs or on the outskirts of towns.
donated $$, will be giving blood in the next few days.

If anyone out there needs help cleaning up/clearing/whatever I'm happy to lend a hand over the next few weekends. PM me.
What can we do?

What an awesome thread. Top class support.
I'm in Sydney and can't help directly. But I can do something.

What I have already made cash donation through Red Cross.
What I will do is donate blood tomorrow as well and challenge my mates to do the same.

Cash is good.
Red Cross links shown in posts above - call them on 1800 811 700
Any Westpac/St George branch:
Victorian Bushfire Relief Appeal
Branch: Bendigo 49 Mitchell St
BSB: 033 688
Account number: 379 004

National Australia Bank:BSB 082-001,
Account number 860-046-797

Blood donations - It is amazing just how much a burn victim needs. Remember the calls that went out after Bali? Call Red Cross on 131495.
Food/Clothing/Shelter - Talk to your local Red Cross about what else you can do.

My thoughts are with everyone in the areas that have been lost or are under threat of loss.

And, again, a huge thank you to the fire fighters and volunteers in the CFA that put their lives on the line now and every summer. I dunno about Vic but in NSW the Rural Fire Service volunteers are present at almost every enduro race acting as marshals, first aiders, emergency rescue, smiling faces that make those races really enjoyable.

Thoughts on firebugs: If you spot them or know of them then just make sure you stay on the right side of the law when you act. Due to some sick twist of the law an assault on a person can carry a heavier penalty than setting a fire.

Bear - Out.
Hey i just heard some bad news about Danny Sheppard(Inurtia DVD) and his perents from Kinglake, can any one back this up with some truth before anything else is said?
It's something that doesn't hit you unless the threat to you personally becomes real.

Now, no offence, but I have seen this sentiment expressed left, right, and centre today.

IMO there doesn't need to be an imminent fire, trees/scrub are the threat and they are real, end of story. If theres bush, it can/will burn. Whether theres empirical data on it happening locally is pretty much irrelevant I think. I personally believe a significant proportion of people who live in the bush deliberately talk themselves out of that possibility.

I am also amazed that these places such as Kinglake, Marysville which have REPEATEDLY burnt just keep on rebuilding with more urban dwellings in close quarters with bushland. Its absolute insanity.

All said, my condolences to all who've lost anything in these fires, its a horrific situation.
If anyone cares, the benefit gig I'm setting up is well on its way. We are waiting on a venue and then we have it almost ready. In the next few days I will be going to supermarkets asking for sponsorship, for example, free bottles of water or soft drink in return for putting the supermarket's logo on the flier.

I have got about 20 bands wanting to play, around 8 of them are quite big in the local area. If anyone knows of A Fallen Theory, those boys were good enough to say that they would come all the way from Geelong to play for us, for free. Then..there are the smaller bands which told me that they would charge their flat rate...for a charity gig. I won't name and shame, but they seriously need to rethink their priorities.

When I have a venue sorted out, I'll have the fliers made up and I will post them here. I hope to see some of you there! It will be a metal show however, so it might not appeal to all.

Another band has followed our suit and has decided to set up their own gig for this, which my band is also playing, so hopefully we can raise up a bit of coin to help the Red Cross help these people!

I will also try to donate blood as soon as I can.

Condolences to those who have lost to these fires.
If anyone cares, the benefit gig I'm setting up is well on its way. We are waiting on a venue and then we have it almost ready. In the next few days I will be going to supermarkets asking for sponsorship, for example, free bottles of water or soft drink in return for putting the supermarket's logo on the flier.

I have got about 20 bands wanting to play, around 8 of them are quite big in the local area. If anyone knows of A Fallen Theory, those boys were good enough to say that they would come all the way from Geelong to play for us, for free. Then..there are the smaller bands which told me that they would charge their flat rate...for a charity gig. I won't name and shame, but they seriously need to rethink their priorities.

When I have a venue sorted out, I'll have the fliers made up and I will post them here. I hope to see some of you there! It will be a metal show however, so it might not appeal to all.

Another band has followed our suit and has decided to set up their own gig for this, which my band is also playing, so hopefully we can raise up a bit of coin to help the Red Cross help these people!

I will also try to donate blood as soon as I can.

Condolences to those who have lost to these fires.

Good work Matt.

As for donating blood - it seems its more a matter of them having enough people to take the blood! I couldnt get through to anyone today!
Good work Matt.

As for donating blood - it seems its more a matter of them having enough people to take the blood! I couldnt get through to anyone today!

they were ont he radio a few times today. saying they dont need any more right now, but would liek people to book in for a month or so time. when stocks run low once again.
I live in in Hurstbridge, (Well where we are is classified Cottles Bridge) but you get the jist. We're on 26 acres. The fire in kinglake had the wind behind it and was coming from us. I was at a friends place at the time, but mum called me and told me what was happening. Anyway, mum and dad sent my brothers to family friends house, packed important things and were ready to leave when told. Apariently from what my mum said, there was an orange glow over the top of the trees and the sky was black. Anyway, luckily the wind changed direction and the fire went to St. Andrews. If the wind didn't change, there is no doubt in my mind that my house, and hundreds of others in hurstbridge would have been destroyed and the fire would have gone on through Wattle Glen and Diamond creek.

My brother has a picture of the glow on the trees but it's on his phone and he is on camp...

Anyway yeh in the end, the fire was around 15km from my house, but 15km for fire is much quicker than driving in a car...

Thats my 2 cents.

Also: People from the effected areas are staying in Hurstbridge, Diamond Creek, Kangaroo ground halls and I belive are wanting clothes and sorting them into piles. Anyway thats that they where doing lastnight when we dropped off a bag of clothes, so if you live in the area yeh.
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I went for a ride yesterday afternoon in the local forest reserve and found that somebody had failed to put out the fire from their BBQ. Sure, down here in Tassie Gunns haven't left much around to burn;), but there are still a few trees around and it's all pretty dry down here at the moment. So I was shocked to see some idiot leave a potential bush fire in waiting, particularly considering what Vic is going through.

Oh, and yes I put it out.
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I honestly could not believe my eyes and ears as I watched the Channel 9 news last night. My heart goes out to those who have lost homes and family and friends. I was mostly gob smacked at the fact that they fucken blabbed on for 10 whole minutes telling viewers about the death of that Channel 9 news reporter from 20 years ago. How bloody disrespectful can you get! They went on telling about his life, his family, how he had just recovered from a sons death... far out! Every person's loss is equal, and in no way did they need to go on for so long about that 80's reporter. I believe he was 80 when he died, at least he had lived a good live. What they shouldn't be doing is making that more important than the loss of an entire family, kids, parents and all.

I'm very sorry if anyone is related to that reporter, but I really didn't think they had to go on for so long about him. I am so sorry once again to those who have lost friends and family, and I am so grateful to all of the firefighters and volunteers. Tasmania has barely any firefighters left - they have all gone up to fight. Good on you, I hope you all make it home in one peace.
Now, no offence, but I have seen this sentiment expressed left, right, and centre today.

IMO there doesn't need to be an imminent fire, trees/scrub are the threat and they are real, end of story. If theres bush, it can/will burn. Whether theres empirical data on it happening locally is pretty much irrelevant I think. I personally believe a significant proportion of people who live in the bush deliberately talk themselves out of that possibility.

I am also amazed that these places such as Kinglake, Marysville which have REPEATEDLY burnt just keep on rebuilding with more urban dwellings in close quarters with bushland. Its absolute insanity.

All said, my condolences to all who've lost anything in these fires, its a horrific situation.

No offence taken, after all opinions are just that and can change with experience or on a whim really. I agree with you that a threat of fire is still a threat regardless of the environment you live in, it's just tragic how in this case it seemed to be a lot bigger and faster that people might have imagined. I guess all I was trying to say is that without having been through anything like that, I personally can't really imagine what those people are going through, doesn't stop the tears when I'm watching the news though. So as a result I tend not to want to go into the whole "why" or "I told you so" debates.

Yes there is talk of the towns being re-built. I have never been through anything like that and have no idea what I would do, but say that my place was to burn down, brand new house currently being built in the bush, what am I meant to do, just throw away the $400k block of land? If I was to sell up and move away then someone else would eventually build here. Australia has varied beauty some of which can be dangerous (oceans etc). Where they live is peoples choice but it is also up to them to understand the risks associated with that. In a city you're potentially not safe in many other ways, and still not necessarily safe from fire danger, even if it may not be bushfires.